摘要: | 本研究旨在探討了解家長在為子女選擇課後照顧機構時的影響因素、了解家長對課後照顧機構滿意度的評價及了解家長對子女選擇課後照顧機構的影響因素對課後照顧機構的滿意度的評價情形。本研究採用調查研究法,以雙北市立案課後照顧機構為研究範圍,調查工具為「家長選擇課後照顧服務因素之問卷」,採立意抽樣方式,以雙北市立案課後照顧機構之一到六年級學童家長為研究對象,共收回212份有效問卷,有九成八以上之回收率。問卷資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析進行分析,研究結果發現:
The purpose of this study was to explore the factors affecting parents’ choice of after-school care institutions for their children, the evaluations of parents' satisfaction in after-school care institutions, and the situation of these affecting factors on those satisfaction evaluations. In this study, the survey research method was applied, and the questionnaire of “factors of parents' choice of after-school care services”, with purposive sampling, was used as a research tool, and parents of students, from the first-grade to the sixth-grade in the after-school care institutions in Taipei and New Taipei City, were included as research objects. Finally, 212 valid questionnaires were collected, and the effective recovery rate was more than 98%. Furthermore, Descriptive Statistics, T-Test, and One-Way ANOVA were conducted for data analysis.
The conclusions of this study are as follows.
1. In the factor of choosing after-school care services, parents take environmental safety as the first priority, and pay the least attention to other recommendations.
2. In the factor of choosing after-school care services, older parents give priority to teachers.
3. At home, I, who am a main decision-maker, pay more attention to schoolwork and behavioral counseling, and curriculum and learning; but the decision, which my family and I make, then focuses on environmental safety.
4. Parents with college degrees pay more attention to curriculum and learning than other factors.
5. In the family, parents with higher monthly income pay more attention to teachers, while parents with lower monthly income pay more attention to curriculum and learning.
6. Fathers are more satisfied with their choices of after-school care services than mothers.
7. At home, I, who am a main decision-maker, have higher satisfaction in schoolwork and behavioral counseling, convenient transportation, administration and services, teachers and learning, and expenses. |