近年來由於社會型態與大自然氣侯的改變,每年都有重大災害發生,消防人員面臨的救災工作也愈來愈複雜且多樣化。在面對這些狀況發生時必須隨時反應並處理,這對消防人員也產生極大的威脅與挑戰。因此本研究採用混合實境(Mixed Reality, MR)的技術,建置一套以混合實境為技術之消防訓練雛型系統,以防災訓練的真實環境重建,模擬訓練可以降低高危險性環境訓練時對人員的傷害。在雛型系統建置完成後,本研究後續邀請採用軟體易用性測試量表(Software Usability Measurement Inventory, SUMI)量表對此系統進行測試,以評估軟體的易用性。研究結果顯示,受測者對系統整體的滿意度是感到滿意的,這也說明系統在開發初期先與訓練教官溝通詢問,並依照實際訓練的流程納入模擬訓練中,讓受測者更容易接受該系統。即便在對控制性上評分較低,但在整體的評價上還是優於一般水平,並提供未來的系統修正方向。未來研究者將在後續的情境開發與系統建置將提升相關軟、硬體的配置,以提高虛擬實境設備帶給使用者的舒適感受,期能使系統更加完善以提高訓練成效。正是系統完成後也將進行後續系統整體性的問卷評估與使用者訪談,以了解使用者度對系統的滿意程度。
In recent years, due to the changes in social patterns and the climate change significant disasters occur every year, so the Disaster relief work faced by firefighters has become more and more complex and diverse. In the face of these situations, when firefighters are having the dangerous threats and challenges, it is necessary to support and deal with them any time. Therefore, this study uses Mixed Reality (MR) technology to build a prototype of firefighting training system based on Mixed Reality (MR) technology to reconstruct the real environment of disaster prevention trainings. With the simulated trainings, we wish to reduce the chance of people may got injured in high-risk environmental. After the de-ployment of the prototype system, this research subsequently invited the software usability measurement inventory (SUMI) to test the system to evaluate the software's ease of use. The research results show that the test subjects are satisfied with the overall satisfaction of the system, which also shows that the system communicates with the training instructor in the early stages of development and is included in the simulation training according to the actual training process, which makes the test subjects more acceptable The system. Even if the control score is low, the overall evaluation is still better than the general level, which provides the future system correction direction. In the future, researchers will improve the configuration of related software and hardware in subsequent scenario development and system construction to improve the comfort of virtual reality equipment to users, and hope to make the system more perfect to improve training results. After we complete the system, we will also roll out the system overall questionnaire to evaluate users’ feedback to inter-views will be conducted to understand the degree of user satisfaction with the system know what should we do to improve the system.