摘要: | 每一階段的發展對個人來說,都是重要且無可取代的,尤其少年時期是介於兒童與成年期之間,其重要性更是不可言喻。少年時期的重要發展任務,可分成1.形成自我認同與建立角色統整;2.同儕團體影響少年的自我認同;3.反抗權威,親子關係改變。因此,本論文的目的為了解少年的生命歷程與轉捩點,乃採取非結構式深度訪談,以及敘事的方式,來進行本論文之研究問題的探討。
The development of each stage is important and irreplaceable for individuals, especially when adolescence is between children and adulthood, and its importance is beyond words. The important development tasks in adolescence can be divided into 1. forming self-identity and establishing role integration; 2. peer groups influencing young people's self-identification; 3. resisting authority and changing parent-child relationships. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to understand the life course and turning point of adolescents. It uses unstructured in-depth interviews and narrative methods to discuss the research issues of this thesis.
The two juveniles interviewed in this thesis were housed in different correctional institutions, and recalled that they were housed in a juvenile detention center and a juvenile supplementary school. So the thinking and expectations of the two teenagers are quite different and different. Even so, the drug experience of the two teenagers
Researchers have compiled interviews with teenagers and found that drug administration by teenagers includes: 1. characteristics of drug administration by teenagers; 2. awareness of drug use by teenagers; 3. risk factors and protective factors that affect teenagers' continued drug use; Support and sound family functions; 5. Accompany children to find themselves; 6. Provide more meta-learning; 7. Create employment opportunities.
Finally, this paper looks forward to making more use of anti-drug education in the future to strengthen campus advocacy. That is, based on the student-centered and school-based methods, through the relevant study methods, to improve the identification and screening skills of school assistants at all levels of schools, in order to strengthen the school's new drug appearance, social networking, drug deception, etc. Promote situational issues and build a cooperation platform with police, health, social, and judicial units to prevent the problem of drug abuse among students.
In addition, in strengthening parenting education, it is appropriate to make good use of social resources to solve difficulties, especially single-parent families may encounter some problems and difficulties. For example: the urgency of the family economy, problems with children's schoolwork, and children's behavioral adaptation problems, etc., can seek help from public and private social welfare agencies to avoid situations where they cannot help. |