摘要: | 本研究探討一般遊客對於旅遊目的地的意象(印象)以及旅遊滿意度如何受到社會人口變項與個人涉入程度跟依附等因素所影響。本文以平溪老街遊客作為分析對象,針對其目的地意象的滿意度與一致性,其個人涉入、地方依附、重遊意願等不同面向進行問卷調查並進行分析。本研究共回收有效問卷478份,以描述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關、迴歸分析等統計方法分析,根據上述研究設計,獲得以下幾個主要結論:
This study explores the visitors’ destination image of Pingxi Old Street, focusing on how overall satisfaction of travelling experience and pre-visit image may be associated with personal involvement, local attachment, and revisiting intention. The study adopted a questionnaire survey methodology and recovered 478 valid questionnaires. The data were then analyzed with meter, independent sample T test, single factor variance analysis, correlation, and regression analysis. This study finds that the destination image, individual involvement, overall satisfaction and re-visiting intention are associated with socioeconomic factors such as age, origin of traveler, personal income level, and travelling frequency. Specifically, age and revisiting intention have a negative correlation that indicates young visitors tend to have higher intention to revisit. Personal income level also has negative correlation with involvement, local attachment, overall satisfaction and revisiting intention. Traveling frequency has a positive correlation with destination image, personal involvement, local attachment, overall satisfaction and revisiting intention. Overall satisfaction and revisiting intention are positively correlated.
Overall for visitors to Pingxi Old Street, the combination of different factors such as destination image, personal involvement, and local attachment have significant impacts to visitor’s overall satisfaction and revisiting intention. |