摘要: | 政府節能減碳之政策,不斷鼓勵民眾為綠色行動,而民眾持電子發票載具索取發票,是政府推動節能減碳的重要一環,然而以載具索取發票之雲端化比率截至2018年底為20.34%,仍然偏低。由於大部分消費者長久以往索取紙本發票之習慣,於是透過載具將發票載送至雲端,仍是政府亟待解決的難題,政府訂定2017年起進入全面躍升目標,並藉由與行動支付結合及載具多樣化,不外乎讓消費者採用電子發票載具,引領消費者進入智慧好生活的境界。
The government continues to promote its policy in energy saving and carbon reduction, encouraging the public to carry out green consumer behaviors. One of the important parts of the energy saving and carbon reduction promoted by the government is the acquisition of receipts through electronic invoice vehicles by the public. However, the ratio of storing the receipts acquired through the vehicle in cloud was 20.34% at the end of 2018, which is still quite low. Due to the fact that throughout the years consumers have developed the habit of acquiring paper receipts, sending/storing the receipts to the cloud through the vehicle is a tough problem for government to sort out. The government has set up a target of comprehensive upgrades to be initiated at the start of 2017, which is to guide consumers to use electronic receipt vehicles by the combination with mobile payment and a variety of vehicles, thereby leading consumers into a good and smart life.
The research adopts the concept of innovation resistance theory to explore the relation among perceived risk, behavioral inertia, and intention from consumers towards electronic receipt vehicles. Meanwhile, the relation among the incentives, social influence, and intention on electronic receipt vehicles that consumers hold is also investigated. In the end, the research further investigates the interference effects of incentives and social influence towards the perceived risk, behavioral inertia and intention on electronic receipt vehicles.
The object of the research is the general social public, with the survey carried out in the greater Taipei area (Taipei City and New Taipei City). Convenience sampling is used as the method of survey, issuing paper questionnaire and online questionnaire, of which a total of 487 valid samples are received. SPSS 21.0 is used as the tool for statistical analysis, as well as using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, reliability and validity analysis, and regression analysis.
Research outcome reveals the existence of significant negative influence in bothperceived risk and behavioral inertia in terms of consumers’ intention of using electronic receipt vehicles. Significant positive influence exists in both incentives and social influence in the respect of consumers’ intention of using electronic receipt vehicles. However, “incentives and social influence” have no interference effect on the “perceived risk and behavioral inertia” and intention. |