目的:本研究目的在探討在進行四週複合式訓練之後,大專短距離選手在爆發力、速度與肌力之差異。方法:本研究以16位中國文化大學短距離選手,隨機分組的方式分為複合式訓練組8位及重量訓練組8位兩組,進行為期四週,每週三次,每次三組的複合式訓練以及每次三組的重量訓練組;於訓練前後,受試者測量垂直跳測驗,以評估爆發力,30公尺衝刺測驗,以評估速度,以及背蹲舉、仰臥推舉測驗,以評估最大肌力。統計方式採二因子混合變異數分析,顯著設計定為= .05。結果:經過四週的複合式訓練後,最大肌力背蹲舉部分有顯著進步(p < .05),後測(126.25±28.15 kg)顯著高於前測(110.63 ± 29.45 kg),兩組之間則未達顯著差異水準。另外,在仰臥推舉、垂直跳、速度的部分,前、後測均有顯著差異(p < .05),不過兩組之間則無顯著差異(p > .05),背蹲舉達交互作用外,其餘則未達交互作用顯著差異(p > .05)。結論:進行四週之複合組與重量組均能顯著提升最大肌力、垂直跳、30 公尺之運動表現,但兩組之間均則無顯著效果。
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects on power, speed and strength after college sprint athletes had undergone four weeks complex training. Methods: sixteen sprint athletes from the Chinese-Culture University were randomized into both a control group(eight complex training) and an experiment group(eight strength training). The subjects trained 3 sets per day, 3 days a week for a total of 4 weeks. Subjects measured the vertical jump test to evaluate explosive power between each training, the 30-meter sprint test to evaluate speed, the squat and supine test to assess maximum muscle strength. The statistic uses two-factor mixed variation analysis, and the α level was set at = .05. Results: After four weeks complex training, statistical measures revealed a significant difference in maximal strength(p < .05), and the control group’s performance(126.25±28.15 kg) is significantly higher than experiment group’s(110.63 ± 29.45 kg).There are significant differences when it comes to the supine press, vertical jump, and speed between both the pre-test and pro-test(p < .05), However, there were no major differences between the two groups (p> .05), except for the squat lift interaction, the rest did not show any significant difference (p> .05). Conclusion: Based on the results and after having four weeks complex training, both groups had dramatically improved their maximum muscle strength, vertical jump and 30 meters sprint performance, but there was no significant effect between the two tested groups.