摘要: | 日常生活中被習慣使用的種種性別歧視或是女性歧表現,無形中操控社會廣泛地使用;從實際的社會現象引發了嚴重的負面影響,尤其是網路的發達,變本加厲產生了意想不到的新造詞,兩性的糾葛對立益加深化。對此尚未完全確立的性別歧視理論, 本研究努力邁向概念化,另一方面,具體檢討性別歧視,大致將其區分為俗談·韓語辭典·網路媒體,再從社會觀點論述其發生原因背景及其問題點。
韓國社會中性別歧視觀念根深蒂固,從描述婦女生活的俗語中可見一斑。並且號稱規範言行思考正確價值體系的詞典中,也收入了多種類型的性別歧視表現,網路媒體匿名使用的特色 更助長了整個社會性別歧視的雰圍,在尚未碩果豐收的性別歧視研究論著中,本研究以概括性論述為日後性別歧視解決的方案,語言生活的改善,正在努力貢獻一己之力。
This study aims to make explanations for the problematic sociolinguistic issue on the widely used negative language expressions related to gender discrimination and misogyny in Korean society. As it becomes prevailing notion, social problems may result. A worthy mention is the development of on-line. It has enabled to rapidly and creatively reproduce gender discriminative neologism against women. This study first theoretically attempts to discrete two basically different concepts such as gender discrimination and misogyny against women. Research was conducted to identify and categorize types of gender discrimination and of misogyny expressions on three ways: proverbs, Korean dictionary and online media. It also undertook to explore underlying historical background and causes, dissecting related problems from sociolinguistic perspectives. It was confirmed that deep-rooted gender discrimination mostly come from old traditional culture of patriarchal system in Korean society as most commonly reflected in proverbs. Even Korean dictionaries, which are supposed to be prescriptive and normative language model and to comply with social norm, were found to contain quite a few gender discriminative expressions or negative-sentiment words against women. Among three sources of this study, the most extreme misogyny expressions were found on online media data. It certainly stirs up the hatred of women, causing gender tension and conflicts. The prevalent misogyny phenomena on online may result from distinctive characteristics of online media itself which ensure anonymity, furthermore, the right to free speech. As more research are in need on the issue of gender discrimination and misogyny, the findings from this study may help to provide relevant reference for future sociolinguistic research, hopefully to bring about social policy change toward gender equality. |