摘要: | 本研究旨在探討國小高年級學童人際關係與幸福感之現況,以及不同背景變項的國小高年級學童其人際關係與幸福感之差異情形,並驗證國小高年級學童人際關係與幸福感之影響模式。本研究探問卷調查法,以自編之國小高年級學童人際關係與幸福感問卷作為蒐集工具,對象為臺北市內湖區630位國小高年級學童,共獲得有效樣本501份。調查結果以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、SEM結構方程模型進行統計分析。
The purpose of the study aims at exploring the current status of the interpersonal relationship and well-being for high grade elementary school students and its differences as a result of different background variables, as well as at verifying the influence models for the interpersonal relationship and well-being. The study adopts a questionnaire method, utilizing a self-constructed questionnaire as the study tool to explore the interpersonal relationship and well-being among senior students in elementary schools. 630 senior elementary students in the Neihu District of Taipei were taken as the objects, and a total of 501 valid questionnaires were obtained. The study results were then statistically analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, ANOVA, and SEM.
According to the analysis results, the following discoveries were acquired:
1. The current status of the interpersonal relationship and well-being for the senior students in the elementary school are positive, demonstrating an above average score.
2. A difference is shown between senior students in the elementary schools with different background variables in terms of interpersonal relationship and well-being.
I. On the aspects of interpersonal relationship and “Societal Acceptance,” female senior students are superior to their male counterparts.
II. Fifth grade students have shown a higher well-being as compared to sixth graders, whereas no difference was found in interpersonal relationship.
III. No difference was found in interpersonal relationship and well-being between senior students with different birth order.
IV. On the aspect of “trust relationship,” students in a three generation household have shown a better score compared to the students living in a single-parent household or other family compositions.
V. On the aspect of well-being, students living in a three generation household and or in a nuclear family have shown a better score than students living in other forms of family structures.
VI. On the aspect of “self-acceptance,” students living in a three generation household, a nuclear family, or single-parent family have shown a better score as compared to students living in other forms of family structure.
VII. On the aspect of “Living Satisfaction,” students living in a three generation household have acquired a better score as compared to students in a single-parent family or students living in other forms of family structure.
3. The goodness of fit in the structural model for interpersonal relationship and well-being that the current study has constructed are positive.
4. Interpersonal relationship of senior students in the elementary school can positively influence the well-being.
Using the study results as the basis, we have various recommendations provided to serve as a reference for educational facilities, school teachers and parents, or any follow-up studies. |