營造業勞工因工作而造成職業傷害的比例比其他行業高。由於營造業之工作特性,使勞工容易造成肌肉骨骼傷害,其中「不當的姿勢」會造成特定肌群部位協調性不足與用力不平衡等問題,將導致疲勞與痠痛。鑒於原住民族勞工從事營造業比例高於全國勞工,且多為無一定雇主或打零工工作,在原住民族所有從事行業中亦以營造業的職業災害千人率最高,另接受職業安全及健康相關訓練比例亦較全國勞工為低,實為職災高危險群。於職業災害預防議題下,勞工過勞為職場健康促進重視的健康指標,應定期評估自身過勞狀況,並且改善生活品質來預防過勞的發生,良好的健康體能理應為職場過勞預防的策略之一。研究目的: 一、調查原住民營造業勞工健康體能狀況 二、調查原住民營造業勞工疲勞指標狀況 三、調查營造業原住民勞工健康體適能情況來探討體適能指標對過勞指數之影響。研究方法:本研究邀請214位營造業原住民勞工,透過健康體適能量測與過勞指數問卷調查方式,調查營造業原住民勞工健康體能與過勞指標之相關性。本研究將蒐集到的資料由Excel建檔並以Statistics Package for Social Science(SPSS) for Windows 18.0 版本統計軟體進行統計分析。研究結果:部分人口學、健康生活型態與健康體適能變項對個人過勞與工作過勞達到統計上顯著相關性;在二元迴歸模型下,平衡感之體適能指標對個人過勞達顯著影響;其他體適能變項則未在工作過勞中達顯著影響。
Construction industry workers were often suffered higher occupational hazard rate when compared to other industries. Due to the working characteristics of the construction industry, worker’s inappropriate working posture that caused insufficient coordination of specific muscle groups and imbalance of exertion, were easier to produce musculoskeletal injuries. Furthermore, indigenous workers engaged higher proportion than other labor in construction industry, and were commonly worked as short-term hired labor or no fixed work. Construction Indigenous workers also suffered high rate of occupational hazard and lock of occupational safety and health related training. Under the topic of occupational hazard prevention, labor burnout is one of the important health indicator for workplace health promotion, and health fitness improvement could be one of the strategies for prevention of burnout in the workplace.
Research purposes: 1. Investigate the physical fitness status of indigenous construction workers. 2. Investigate the burnout status of indigenous construction workers. 3. Investigate the association between physical fitness status and burnout status in indigenous construction workers. Research method: In this study, 214 construction indigenous workers are recruited for conducting physical fitness examination and burnout questionnaire. The analytical data is collect to determine the relationship of physical fitness on work ability in construction indigenous workers. Research result: Some demographics, healthy lifestyles and physical fitness variables have statistically significant correlations with personal burnout and work-related burnout. In the multiple regression model, balance physical fitness indicator was a significant predictors to work personal burnout, and other physical fitness indicators did not showed correlation in work-related burnout.