In order to survive, humans learn how to adapt to the living environment with the group, and cognitive to jeopardize public security by experiences learning. The earliest human life can be traced back tens of millions of years ago, but the earliest criminal law norms be found in the world were about 1800 BC, and ”Die Lehre vom Verbrechen od. Verbrechenslehre” which to check the establishment of a crime was about 1890 AD. Obviously, the Originals of Crime before the legal standard and ”Die Lehre vom Verbrechen od. Verbrechenslehre”, and it is inevitable about the evolution of human society.
The criminal law norms and ”Die Lehre vom Verbrechen od. Verbrechenslehre”, which is assit human to post the crime be estimated for society and cannot be create or reconstruct the Originals of Crime. Therefore, the Originals of Crime is not depart from the Evils Deeds shaped by human.
Is it the Evil Deeds which that facing the act of human living from for defending the survival of society in life? Is the corresponding Article 23 of the Criminal Law doubtful?
Through the retracing of human history and the searching of human awareness to look for the process of the crime to return to the original condition of the Evil Deeds in the article and then to clarify how human to learn the Evil Deeds under experience in life by the functioning of the brain to create the meaning for the Consciousness Of Wrongfulness. In addition to clarify the appearance of the Originals of Crime, explanation for the Excessive Defense is not the appearance of the Originals of Crime. With regard to Article 23 of the Criminal Law, to propose an opinion of repeal.