The purpose of this research is to explore the effect of kids gymnastics on balance ability for children with hearing impairment. The object of this study was a 10-year-old hearing impaired student with a balance problem. A-B-A design of single subject research was conducted, including 2-week baseline, 8-week intervention and 2 week maintenance phases. The intervention was 50 minutes every time and twice a week. The independent variable was kids gymnastics. The dependent variables were dynamic balance ability and static balance ability. These two tests "Walking forward on the balance beam- eye opened" and "Standing on one leg-eye closed" were designed by researchers to collect data analyzed by visual analysis of the line chart, C statistics and effect size, in order to understand the effect of intervention and maintenance. The results showed that Kids gymnastics had an acquisition and maintenance effect on the improvement of the hearing-impaired children's static balance and dynamic balance. We conclude that kids gymnastics can effectively improve the dynamic and static balance ability of hearing impaired children.