本研究旨在瞭解新北市教保服務人員「生活品質」之概況,以及剖析不同「個人背景因素及工作背景因素」對教保服務人員「生活品質」之影響。希冀本研究結果能提供教保服務人員,在提升優質生活品質之參考。本研究係採「調查法」進行資料的收集,並以「立意取樣」之抽樣方式,選取服務於新北市幼兒園之教保服務人員420位為調查對象,實得有效問卷382份,有效回收率達90.95%。本研究所採用之研究工具包括:「個人與工作背景資料調查表」與「生活品質量表」。施測所得資料以統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 22.0進行結果分析,分別以描述統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較法、多元迴歸分析等統計方法分析。主要研究結果如下:1.教保服務人員之「生活品質」傾向於中上程度,其中,以「社會關係範疇」層面之生活品質為最佳;而以「環境範疇」層面之生活品質為最差。2.年齡「20~29歲」之教保服務人員,其生活品質較「30~39歲」者為佳。3.服務年資「5年以下」之教保服務人員,其生活品質較「10年~15年」者為佳。4.每日工作時數「8小時」之教保服務人員,其生活品質優於「12小時以上」者。5.「無」招生壓力之教保服務人員,其生活品質較「有」招生壓力者為佳。根據研究結果,建議教保服務人員宜持續保持良好的身心健康;與同事維持良好之互動關係,營造正向與互助的工作氛圍;善用社會資源與家庭支持系統,妥善爰置年幼子女之照顧。其次,相關行政機關宜協助教保服務人員以正向積極的態度來面對幼兒園評鑑之壓力,以利教保服務人員生活品質之提升。
The purpose of this study was to identify the current situation of "quality of life" of preschool educators in New Taipei City as well as the difference situation in "quality of life" of preschool educators with different "personal and work characteristics". The model of factors having portential influence on preschool educators' "quality of life" developed. The findings of the study could provide the resources to preschool educators when increasing the quality of life. In this study, survey method was conducted and the target population was the preschool educators serving in New Taipei City's. 420 samples were obtained by purposive sampling. The procedure used a reliable and valid self-report questionnaire to collect data for this study. There were a total of 420 questionnaires issued, with 402 valid samples and the valid response rate being 95.71%, therefore, non-response error was minimal. The research instrument include: "Personal Background Scale" and "Quality of Life Scale, QLS". Data were analyzed by SPSS for Windows 22.0 version: The data obtained were analyzed by statistical software package SPSS for Windows 20.0, descriptive statistics, one-sample t test, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe method, multiple regression analysis, and other relevant statistical methods. The main findings are as follows: 1. Preschool educators' "quality of life" inclined to "middle-upper level", among which the quality of life in terms of "social relations aspects" was the best and the quality of life in terms of "environmental aspects" was the worst. 2. The quality of life of preschool educators aged from 20 to 29 was better than that of those aged from 30 to 39. 3. The quality of life of preschool educators with less than 5 years of service was better than that of those with 10 to 15 years of service. 4. The quality of life of preschool educators with 8 work hours per day was better than that of those with 12 work hours. 5. The quality of life of preschool educators without recruitment pressure was better than that of those with recruitment pressure. According to the findings of this study, researcher suggested that maintain a healthy body and mind continually is the most important; maintain a good relationship between colleagues with mutual respect, sharing and support in order to create a positive and interdependent workplace; make good use of community resources and family support systems and properly care for young children so as to improve quality of life.