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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://irlib.pccu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/45396

    Title: 寵物飼養者寂寞感與幸福感之研究
    A Study of Loneliness and Well-Being for Pet Owners in Hsinchu Area
    Authors: 柯澍馨
    Contributors: 生應系
    Keywords: 寵物飼養者
    pet owners
    personal background factor
    raising pet factor
    Date: 2017-06-01
    Issue Date: 2019-12-11 13:51:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在瞭解寵物飼養者「寂寞感」與「幸福感」之概況,以及剖析不同「個人背景因素及寵物飼養因素」對寵物飼養者「寂寞感」與「幸福感」之影響。此外,也欲進一步瞭解寵物飼養者「寂寞感」與「幸福感」間之相關性。希冀本研究結果提供寵物飼養者及未來想飼養寵物者,在提升心靈幸福感與寵物飼養規劃之參考。本研究係採「調查法」進行資料之收集,並以「配額抽樣」之方式,抽取居住於新竹地區之寵物飼養者420位為調查對象。有效回收382份問卷,有效回收率達90.95%。所使用之研究工具包括:「個人背景資料表」、「寵物飼養狀況表」、「寂寞感量表」及「幸福感量表」。施測所得資料以統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 22.0進行結果分析,分別以描述統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較法、皮爾森積差相關,以及強迫進入法多元迴歸等統計方法加以分析。主要研究結果如下:1.新竹地區寵物飼養者以飼養「狗」為最多(57.3%),其次依序為:「水族魚」(18.3%)、「貓」(17.3%)、「烏龜」(9.9%)、「鳥」(6.0%),「寵物鼠」(4.5%),以及兔子(2.1%)。2.新竹地區寵物飼養者之「寂寞感」傾向於中低程度。其中,以「缺乏友伴」層面之寂寞感為最高;而以「寂寞無助」層面之寂寞感為最低。3.新竹地區寵物飼養者之「幸福感」傾向於中高程度。其中,以「樂觀」層面之幸福感為最高;而以「個人成就」層面之幸福感為最低。4.新竹地區寵物飼養者之「寂寞感」與「幸福感」間呈顯著高程度之負相關。5.新竹地區寵物飼養者之「個人背景因素」、「寵物飼養狀況」與「寂寞感」對「幸福感」的預測因素包括:「平均每月寵物支出」及「寂寞感」,能有效預測新竹地區寵物飼養者「幸福感」45%之變異量。根據研究結果,建議寵物飼養者宜積極建立良好之人際關係,培養良好之人際互動關係;另外寵物飼養者需審慎評估飼養寵物之數量,以利寵物之照護。其次,寵物飼養者宜持續保持個人正向與愉快之情緒,適切排解個人之寂寞感受,以利個人幸福感之提升。
    The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between "loneliness" and "wellbeing" among pet owners in Hsinchu. The model of factors having portential influence on pet owners' loneliness and well-beingwas developed. The findings of the study could provide the resources to pet owners and the people who want to bread the pets when increasing the well-being and raising pets.In this study, survey method was conducted and the target population was the pet owners in Hsinchu Area. 420 samples are obtained by stratified quota sampling. The procedure used a reliable and valid self-report questionnaire to collect data for this study. Stratified quota sampling was used to draw a sample. 382 (90.95%) pet owners completed the questionnaire with valid responses, therefore, non-response error was minimal. The research instrument include: "Personal Background Scale", "Raising Pet Scale", "Loneliness Scale", and "Well-being Scale". Data were analyzed by SPSS 22.0 version: Descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson product correlation, and Multiple Regression. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The pet owners of Hsinchu area as following: Raising Dog (57.3%), Raising Fish (18.3%), Raising Cat (17.3%), Raising Turtle (9.9%), Raising Bird (6.0%), Raising Mouse (4.5%), Raising Rabbit (2.1%). 2. The "loneliness" of pet owners of Hsinchu area tend to "mid-low" level. Of all the dimensions, "lack of friends" incline to the hightest; whereas, "loneliness and helpless" incline to the lowest. 3. The "well-being" of the pet owners of Hsinchu area tend to "mid-high" level. Of all the dimensions, "an optimist" incline to the highest; whereas, "personal success" incline to lowest. 4. There are a significant correlation between "loneliness" and "well-being" of pet owners in Hsinchu. 4. The predictive factors of the "well-being" with "personal background factor" "raising pet factor" and "loneliness" of pet owners in Hsinchu include: "Raising pet Factor" and "loneliness" of the participants. The variance of prediction can reach by a value of 45%. According to the findings of this study, researcher suggested that the pet owners active to build up the good interpersonal relations, cultivate the good interact relation with friends. The pet owners should estimate the quantity of breed in order to take care of the pets. In addition, the pet owners should coutinue maintain the positive and happy emotion to reduce the loneliness, and increae the well-being.
    Relation: 華岡農科學報 ; 39期 (2017 / 06 / 01) , P82 - 103
    Appears in Collections:[College of Agriculture] Hwa Kang journal of Agriculture

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