摘要: | 本試驗旨在探討飼糧中添加不同高粱酒糟含量對臺灣黑羽土雞血清脂質與電解質濃度之影響。選取4週齡體重相近台灣黑羽土雞288隻,逢機分成4處理組,分別餵飼同熱能與等蛋白之不同含量高粱酒糟飼糧;即0%、10%、20%與30%高粱酒糟飼糧之處理組,每處理組雞隻公母各半,採平飼,每性別飼養於1欄,每欄12隻,3重複,共24欄。試驗期為12週。各處理組之雞隻於不同生長階段採食同熱能與等蛋白質之飼糧(5-8週齡:粗蛋白(%)/代謝能(kcal/kg):21/3100;9-12週齡:粗蛋白/代謝能:21/3000;13-16週齡:粗蛋白/代謝能:19/3100),飼料及水採任食,試驗期間分別在土雞8、12與16週齡採血,分析血清中葡萄糖、脂質、鈉、鉀與氯電解質濃度。結果顯示,在8、12及16週齡雄雞或雌雞的血清葡萄糖、總膽固醇、三酸甘油酯、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇、鈉、鉀與氯離子濃度,各處理組間均無顯著差異。但在8及12週齡雌雞血清氯離子濃度隨飼糧乾燥高粱酒糟含量之增加而呈線性下降(P<0.01);在16週齡時,則雄雞與雌雞血清鈉與氯離子濃度均隨飼糧乾燥高粱酒糟含量之增加而呈線性下降(P<0.01),並且高粱酒糟對雄雞血清鉀離子濃度亦呈線性下降(P<0.05)。
The objective of the study is to investigate the effect of different dietary dehydrated sorghum distillery residue (DSDR) levels on serum lipid and electrolyte concentration, liver and abdomen fat weight in Taiwan black feathered native chickens. Two hundreds and eighty eight 5-week-old Taiwan black-color native chickens (144 male and 144 female) with similar body weight were divided into 4 groups. Twelve birds were fed in one floor pen of each gender in each group with 3 replicates and fed one kind of isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets containing 0, 10, 20 and 30% DSDR for 12 weeks. The diets used for 5-8, 9-12 and 13-16 week-old chicken were mash feed with CP(%)/ ME(kcal/kg) as 21/3100, 21/3100 and 19/3100, respectively. Feed and water were supplied ad libutum. Blood were sampled from wing vein with syringe for analyze serum glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol sodium, potassium, and chloride concentration at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age, respectively. The results showed that there were no significant differences among treatments in serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations in male and female birds at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age. However, the serum chloride concentration in the 8 and 12-week-old female chickens decreased linearly with the increase of dietary DSDR levels(P < 0.01). At 16 weeks of age, the concentrations of sera sodium and chloride in both male and female chickens decreased linearly with the increase in dietary DSDR levels (P < 0.01); moreover, the serum potassium concentration in male birds decreased linearly with the increase in dietary DSDR levels (P < 0.05). |