本計劃試圖建立一套涵蓋寬容、尊重與肯認概念的公民德性理論,並說明從這些「自由的德性」(liberal virtues)出發,我們(包含公民與國家)該如何面對多元社會裡的深層價值衝突。本計劃的初步設想是,寬容並不足以支撐多元社會裡的公民德性,我們仍需要尊重與肯認的公民德性—我們(全體公民)有義務尊重其他公民或社群經過理性反思/證成之後的價值抉擇,甚至是肯認其他公民與社群的生活方式(只要他們不違反寬容與尊重的原則),而在這個過程中,國家不應當僅僅擔任旁觀的中立角色,而是捍衛理性反思/證成過程的積極仲裁者。
This project will review and reinterpret the core virtues of liberal citizens: toleration, respect and recognition. It argues that these civic virtues are vital to a well-ordered society faced with deep conflicts of values. In order for reasonable comprehensive doctrines to coexist with each other, it requires not only toleration, but also respect and recognition. It also argues that we as liberal citizens have the duty to respect value choices that people make after the process of rational reflection or justification. We are even obligated to recognize their ways of life (so long as they don't violate the principles of toleration and respect). In the meantime, the state should undertake the role of a defender of neutrality and public reason.