國內對一般護理之家的建築與消防相關法規與一般醫療院所相同,但對居住無法 自行避難者為主的一般護理之家而言,其所需的規範與策略應與一般醫療院所有所不 同。因此即使現況符合建築與消防法規之規範,實際仍潛在許多火災安全上之問題,「合 法不等於安全」為國內一般護理之家的現況。既往研究已對相關機構提出「火災居室 離室避難;非火災居室就地避難」的避難策略,但其居室在滿足部分法規條件下可免 設置排煙設備,火災時將無法確保人員完成離室避難。本研究擬在上述避難概念下, 檢視國內一般護理之家的排煙設計相關法規,並運用動態火災模擬與全尺寸火災實驗 研擬簡易排煙設計手法,以改善居室的排煙能力,期能建立「合法且安全」的環境。 本研究的主要目的如下: 1. 整合一般護理之家於合法狀態下的病房配置與排煙規定,探討法規的合理性。 2. 檢視合法設計下之居室的避難安全,分析依法仍存在之危險。 3. 分析居室面積與有效排煙面積之關係,提出簡易排煙設計的參考依據。 4. 運用火災動態模擬及火災實驗檢視簡易排煙設計方法的合理性。 5. 以「火災居室離室避難;非火災居室就地避難」為目標,研擬簡易排煙設計方法, 可供相關機構於設計時之依據或相關主管機關修訂法規時之參考。
Domestically, general laws and regulations on buildings and fire prevention for long-term elderly care, nursing facilities are a part of the laws and regulations for health care facilities. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that patients of nursing facilities are often individuals incapable of handling evacuation independently, and therefore, this type of place require regulations and strategies different from those for general health care facilities. Currently, for general long-term senior care, residential and nursing homes in Taiwan, dangers exist from a legal perspective. Even if the current conditions are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations on buildings and fire prevention, potential fire safety-related concerns remain. An evacuation strategy proposed by previous studies is that residents should be evacuated from their rooms for fires related disasters but remain in their rooms for non-fire related disasters”. Nonetheless, because it is permitted for nursing home rooms satisfying certain legal regulations to be exempted from installing smoke exhaust equipment, it can be dangerous when there are fires but residents and staff cannot be completed evacuated. According to the above evacuation strategy, the investigators reviewed laws and regulations on smoke exhaust design for general nursing homes in Taiwan. The investigators also used dynamic fire simulations and full-scale fire experiments to develop and propose a simple smoke exhaust design method to improve the smoke exhaust capability of nursing home rooms in order to create a legal and safe environment. The main objectives of the study are as follows: 1. Integrating smoke exhaust regulations into the bedroom arrangement of general nursing homes to meet legal requirements and discussing the rationality of relevant laws and regulations. 2. Reviewing evacuation safety of nursing home rooms with legally acceptable design and analyzing remaining risks when legal regulations are met. 3. Analyzing the association between the surface area of a room and the surface area of effective smoke exhaust and proposing references for a simple smoke exhaust design. 4. Using dynamic fire simulations and fire experiments to examine the rationality of the proposed simple smoke exhaust design method. 5. Formulating the simple smoke exhaust design method based on the concept that “residents should be evacuated from their rooms for fires related disasters but remain in their rooms for non-fire related disasters” for relevant organizations to apply in their design and for relevant administrative authorities to refer to when amending the laws and regulations.