受到氣候變遷之影響,坡地災害類型及規模遠超過過去歷史事件,尤其莫拉克風災之後,高雄市甲仙鄉小林村獻肚山發生之大規模崩塌,造成全村450人失蹤與死亡,對於大規模崩塌災害之相關研究與災害防治對策研擬更趨重要。近年來,山區道路的災損嚴重,除了直接或間隔受到大規模崩塌影響之外,伴隨其所產生的大量土砂往往造成二次災害。近年來,經濟部地質調查所利用高精度數值地形進行大規模崩塌潛勢發生區位之判釋已獲致豐碩之成果,迄今即已判釋出近2000餘處之大規模崩塌發生之潛勢區位。以大規模崩塌之活動性反應在邊坡地形之變化速率,傳統的水準測量、GPS連續站觀測以及應變計量測等方法,除受限於施測成本過高外,且因台灣山區地形陡峭不易通達,因此多僅能針對局部地區進行,難以取得大區域的長期地形變化分析結果。本計畫基於智慧型災防科技應用與發展之觀點,擬將相關技術應用於坡地工程快速調查研究與災害防治工作,擬以空載光達技術(Light Detection And Ranging, LiDAR)進行研究區域內潛在大規模崩塌判釋,配合時域相關點雷達干涉技術(Temporarily Coherent Point SAR Interferometry, TCPInSAR),獲取廣域性大規模崩塌長期變形觀測與活動性評估。
After Hsiaolin Landslide that caused over 450 casualties during 2009 Typhoon Morakot, the government of Taiwan has constructed a nationwide 1 m resolution LiDAR derived DEM, which has been proven to be an effective tool for identifying deep-seated landslides. Since 2010, more than 9,000 deep-seated landslides that are over 10 ha respectively were identified in the DEM according to their morpho- tectonic features like the main escarpment, trench, double ridge and counterscarp. How to find deep-seated landslides on the main island of Taiwan and assess their activity has since then become a significant task for the government for disaster prevention and mitigation. Additionally, a nationwide catastrophic landslide hazard assessment program was initiated in 2017. In the program, the activity of identified sites is evaluated based on InSAR analysis. The landslide susceptibility of these sites is also evaluated using a model constructed from the landslide inventory of Typhoon Morakot. Temporarily Coherent Point SAR Interferometry (TCPInSAR) provides the possibility to monitor deep-seated landslide activity over extensive areas. From the short-term perspective, we can conduct a comprehensive investigation on potential landslide areas that are larger than 10 hectares and select those with higher activity; from the mid-term perspective, we can better the assessment of deep-seated landslide risks, build an inversion model for sliding surfaces, locate deep-seated landslides, and monitor small potential landslide areas that have important secured objects; finally, together with sustainable geotechnical ground and underground monitoring works, we will be able to acquire cumulative surface deformation over time to monitor significant deep-seated landslides comprehensively.