數位時代的來臨,讓金融科技得已成功槓桿多元數位資源並掌握消費者生活型態,並善用破壞性創新的特質,改變金融服務業態的遊戲規則,同時加速與加劇整個業態的典範移轉。雖然目前從特定技術、個案、成效等觀點探討金融科技的研究眾多,不但具體陳述發展現況,亦成功和理論與實務產生對話,但是,有關金融科技業者影響金融服務業態和模式的發展脈絡和扮演角色,似乎尚未有系統地進行探討與詮釋。 因此,為有效呼應此一研究缺口,本研究參考KPMG近幾年對FinTech的評比結果,從中選定四至八家具代表性且背景不同金融科技業者為標的,然後參考社會網路分析及Basole等學者提出的商業生態系觀點與分析方法,針對Crunchbase等資料庫和其他報導,分別透過API介接及爬文方式,進行跨年數據與資訊的蒐集與轉換,然後再利用UCINET軟體描繪前述案例為核心下2014至2018年的商業生態系變化,據此分析金融科技業者切入金融服務的發展路徑與影響路徑,同時解讀金融科技業者在商業生態系中如何提升與轉換其角色的重要性,並據此嘗試歸結可能的發展模式,從而和商業生態系分析的現有理論與做法進行對話。
In the recent years, financial technology (or FinTech) is believed bringing a new paradigm in which information technology (IT) is driving innovation in the financial industry. In particular, FinTech is touted as a game changing, disruptive innovation capable of shaking traditional financial markets. Many studies have contributed to exploring the impacts and current status of FinTech in terms of techniques, cases, and performance, thus initiating dialogs between current research findings and practices successfully. However, to current understanding, less attention is paid on how the FinTech players affect and evolve through the financial service sectors and how FinTech players serve through the progress. To help bridge the gap, this study aims to investigate how the leading and representative FinTech players evolve. Four to eight players with different background and listed in KPMG’s top 100 FinTech during 2015 and 2018 are selected. By referring to practices of social network analysis and that of Basole’s framework of business ecosystem visualization, together with leveraging through databases that provide API and relevant information, the annual evolution during 2014 to 2018 of the business ecosystem (from the slected FinTech player’s perspective) is visualized by UCINET. It is expected that the routes, patterns and changing roles of the corresponding FinTech-driven business ecosystem are clearly depicted.