Extreme rainfalls become one major weather disaster events in Taiwan during the past several years. However, the warning system for this type of weather events are limited due to the small temporal-spatial scale. It caused serious issues for weather forecasting and disaster preventions and reductions. In the traditional weather forecasting method, there are some uncertainties of the extreme rainfall due to the limitation of numerical simulations. It is also hard to provide the reliable real-time predictions. In this study, we will use the advanced remote-sensing dataset which provide more comprehensive temporal and spatial coverage. We are expecting to develop a machine-learning based tool to diagnose short duration extreme rainfall events. We will also apply this technology to retrieve the short duration extreme rainfall events with high spatial and temporal resolutions in order to improve the warning system in both weather forecasting and disaster prevention and reduction. We plan to spend three years to finish this project. First year, we will be collecting, diagnosing, and organizing the data of short duration extreme rainfall events from satellite image based on the surface observations. In other hands, we will analyze the characters of satellite observations and will use that information to test different methods of dimension reduction in the second year. Those results can be used to developing the machine-learning based model to diagnose short duration extreme rainfall events. In the third year, the application of diagnosing tool will be tested by retrieving the extreme rainfall events with high spatial and temporal resolutions satellite observation. We are expecting to establish a warning system for short duration extreme rainfall by using machine learning technology in this project.