摘要: | 柏拉圖將藝術視為「再現」(μίμησις, mimēsis,或譯「模仿」)的說法,並不是他對「再現」的唯一用法,也不是他最初的用法。柏拉圖是在《克拉梯樓斯》引入「再現」一詞,並將語言視為事物自然本性的「再現」。語言的內容有真有假。假的語言即為謊言。傳統上以柏拉圖批評模仿藝術為假,但在《理想國》第二卷討論文藝時,柏拉圖表示可以用虛構的故事透過「假的『假』」而傳遞出「真」,第三卷結束對文藝的討論時,更提出引人爭議的「高貴謊言」;而柏拉圖最後作品《法律》則直接表明文藝在教育上有用,他在城邦中保留悲劇,強調詩與音樂在形成和諧、促進道德上的重要。但這以假傳遞真的再現,如果欠缺精準的釐清,有被冒用、濫用的危險,在理論上是柏拉圖務必要加以釐清的。以此,本研究計畫將在藝術再現的議題脈絡下,研究《克拉梯樓斯》中的「語言再現」,並以此重新為《理想國》與《法律》對文藝的討論建立解釋,一方面將藝術活動中的知覺作用與語言作用(命題式的信念內容)析離開來,另一方面探究柏拉圖如何在這兩者之間建立連結,釐清「藝術再現」在語言和知覺層面上分別產生的認知效力,以及兩者共同形成的影響。
Plato regards art as “mimesis” (μίμησις, representation/imitation), as widely known. But the term “mimesis” in Plato is not limited to the contexts concerning art. “Mimesis” terminology seems to be introduced into Plato’s philosophical discussion in the Cratylus, in the context of regarding language as mimesis of nature. Truth and falsehood are properties of beliefs which can be expressed in language. A lie is a falsehood in language. This leads us to one of the most controversial issue in Plato, the noble lie in the Republic, when Plato finished the notorious censorship of mousikē (poetry and music) in the end of the book 3. This matches Plato's claim in the end of the book 2 that the falsehood expressed in language is only the represented falsehood, in contrast with the true falsehood which is the ignorance in the soul. Lies can be useful, and is not necessary to teach people the true falsehood. As late as the Laws, “mimesis” continues to play a role. In the Laws, the educational benefit of mousikē is argued and admitted in the books 1 and 2, and its importance is emphasized again in the book 12. However, in theory, Plato needs to clarify the truth and falsehood mingled in the lies in a more exact way, otherwise all ill-willed lies may be smuggled in.Accordingly, this research project will firstly study the mimesis in language in the Cratylus, and then revisit the issue of the mimesis in art in the Republic and Laws. It will attempt to distinguish the linguistic aspect from the perceptional in art activities (the former is involved with the propositional content of belief) on the one hand, and to see how they are fused in Plato on the other hand. In this way, the project aims to establish an interpretation by clarifying the influence of the mimesis in art resulting from the perceptional aspect, or the linguistic, or both. |