This project represents a continuous task of my long-term interest in architectural theorisations generated from not only the West-centric architectural discourse but also from the observations and analyses of empirical architectural and urban display within the Asia Pacific region. As a strategic scope, the geographic context selected in this project is narrowed down to Singapore and Australia, in which represent the geopolitical concern with Southeast Asia and its important Pacific neighbourhood. This project will be methodologically achieved by means of elaborations of how Asia is notionally located and how Asian localities are characteristically identified. Therefore, studies in the project are integrated with comparative studies focused on regions including Asia and Australia. The reasons are: one, to build a comparative platform for the generated discourse, and, two, to highlight the inevitable relationship between the Pacific region and Asia today under a global-local context of regionalism. All the empirical examinations will be highlights of phenomenal urban and built cases, cultures and localities which represent and reference the historicity of the Asia Pacific region, Asia’s contemporary architectural situations, and their nuanced relationship with the ‘West’. This project employs not entirely scientific perspectives since this project is an examination of theorisations; instead, aesthetic experience perceived from Asia’s architectural representation as a form of postcoloniality will be the main standpoint.