摘要: | 都市生物多樣性的增進與保存近年受到全球生態與都市學者和各國政府的重視,一方面全球都市快速擴張,嚴重威脅全球生物多樣性,另一方面近年全球環境快速變遷,生態系統服務對人類生存與社會生態系統韌性越顯重要。都市植物為其他生物提供棲地結構與品質等支持服務,為都市生物多樣性的根基。都市植物中人工植栽占很大百分比,從本研究室先期研究得知占都市綠地植物多樣性約三分之二,但傳統上被研究者忽略。近年研究發現人工植栽也具生態系統功能與服務潛力,且造成重大災害的外來入侵種有很大部分來自園藝植栽,因此人工植栽的研究也開始被重視。都市私人庭院的人工植栽已被發現受多項人類相關因子影響,但公園因受自然與人為作用交互影響較為複雜而鮮少被研究。本研究擬探討都市綠地植物多樣性與人類相關因子之間的關係,採用深度訪談法,採訪植栽相關景觀專業人士,包括景觀設計師、景觀工程師與景觀維護人員,發掘受訪者的專業背景訓練、美質偏好、對植栽功能的價值、維管人力費用、社會壓力、生態永續課題和其他相關產業如何影響受訪者對植栽的選取與維管方式,以期能從訪談內容建構景觀專業從業人員影響都市植栽的不同模式類型與影響都市植栽組成和多樣性的重要因素。
The preservation and enhancement of biodiversity in urban areas is increasingly being valued by ecologists, urban scholars and governments. On the one hand, urban areas are expanding globally, threatening global biodiversity; on the other hand, as the earth is changing at a rapid pace, ecosystem services become increasingly important for human survival and socioecological resilience. The vegetation in urban areas provide habitat structure and quality for other biota, and is the foundation of urban ecosystems and biodiversity. Although artificial plantings account for a large portion of urban vegetation, they are traditionally excluded from studies. However, recent studies suggest the potential ecosystem function and services of artificial plantings, also, a large portion of invasive species that caused serious damages have originated from ornamental or horticultural plants, leading to recent attention to artificial plantings. In the current literature, many human-related factors have been found to be related to the amount and diversity of plantings. However, similar studies are rare in public greenspaces because of the complex interaction between human and natural processes in such areas. We propose to address the relationship between plant diversity and human-related factors in urban greenspaces by interviewing professionals that select and maintain plants in public greenspaces. Landscape architects, engineers, and maintenance personnel will be interviewed to see how professional training, personal factors such as aesthetic preferences, perceived value of various functions, and outside factors such as costs and labor, societal pressures, sustainability and ecological issues, and other landscaping industries affect their selection and maintenance of plants in urban greenspaces. We hope that through such in-depth interviews, we may develop conceptual models of how landscape professionals affect the plant diversity in urban greenspaces and identify important driving factors. |