雙極板佔質子交換膜燃料電池堆成本的20~40 %左右,因此使用金屬雙極板能有效降低燃料電池成本。不銹鋼雙極板為目前最常見之金屬雙極板材料,但鋁合金之導電度與導熱性皆高於不銹鋼,且密度與成本皆低於不銹鋼,因此以鋁合金作為雙極板材料,不但可增加雙極板導電度、降低雙極板成本與重量,更可以提高燃料電池堆之散熱效果,提高系統熱管理效率,因此可增加燃料電池之競爭力,可幫助質子交換膜燃料電池系統商業化之進度。 因使用鋁合金作為雙極板之研究尚在起步階段,目前大部分研究集中在鋁合金鍍膜及Ex-situ抗腐蝕能力之探討,本計畫預計實際進行In-situ的燃料電池測試。目前較少研究直接進行鋁合金雙極板質子交換膜燃料電池性能與壽命之測試,亦不見任何鋁合金雙極板電池堆之成果,故本計畫分為五年進行,預計從初期基礎之性能與壽命測試,到中期之表面鍍膜研究,最後開發一電池堆並進行熱管理研究。期望研發一個在發電效率、重量、散熱效率及成本上更具優勢的質子交換膜燃料電池堆。 本計畫具相當好的新穎性與前瞻性,預計能產出高價值之論文,同時可開發出更具商業競爭力之電池堆,可提升我國學術地位及加速我國能源產業之升級。
The bipolar plates account for about 20-40 % of the cost of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack, and therefore using metallic bipolar plates instead of graphite bipolar plates can effectively reduce the cost of a PEMFC. Stainless steel is the most common material for metallic bipolar plates. The electrical and thermal conductivities of aluminum alloy are higher than stainless steel. On the other hand, the cost and density of aluminum alloy are lower than stainless steel. Thus, using aluminum alloy bipolar plates can increase the electrical conductivity of the fuel cell, reduce the cost and weight of the stack, and improve the cooling performance of the stack and the thermal management efficiency. As a result, using aluminum alloy bipolar plates can raise the competitiveness of PEMFCs and accelerate the commercialization of PEMFC systems. Because the researches of aluminum alloy bipolar plates are just in their infancy, most of those researches are the development of coating material on the bipolar plates and ex-situ corrosive characteristics of the bipolar plates. In this project, we intend to proceed the in-situ test of the PEMFCs with aluminum bipolar plates. Currently, only few studies on the in-situ performance test and life test of the PEMFCs with aluminum bipolar plates can be found. Moreover, no development of the PEMFC stack with aluminum bipolar plates is presented according to our understanding. Thus, we plan to carry out this project for five years, from the fundamental studies of cell performance and operating life in the early stage, the coating material and technique in the medium stage and the stack development and stack thermal management in the final stage. It is expected to achieve the development of the PEMFC stack which is more competitive in electrical efficiency, weight, cooling efficiency and cost than traditional PEMFC stack. This project has a great novelty and perspectiveness. It is expected to publish outstanding academic papers and to achieve the development of a more competitive PEMFC stack at the end of the project. As a result, it is expected to raise the academic position and accelerate the industrial upgrading in Taiwan.