摘要: | 在網路科技的發達、便利,以及行動裝置普及化的現代,愈來愈多的兒童擁有智慧型手機和使用手機上網,因而,孩子使用媒體的安全風險也隨之增加。
本研究以國小高年級學童父母或主要照顧者為對象,透過問卷調查,將所得結果以統計套裝軟體SPSS v18進行資料處理,經描述性、判別、差異、相關、羅吉斯廻歸分析後,得到以下結論:
As the advancement and convenience of network technology, and the popularization of mobile devices, more and more children have smart phones and use them to surf the Internet. As a result, the risks of cyber security for children using the Internet have also increased.
The family communication patterns theory has widely applied in the study of the media use behaviors among parents and their children for over 40 years. Therefore, this study focused on the children's media use and parents of different family communication patterns, their understanding and attitudes about children's media use rights, and when and why children use smart phones.
This study was targeted at the samples of the primary caregivers of upper primary students with questionnaires. The questionnaire was translated from “Confirmatory Factor Analysis on Family Communication Patterns Measurement (2015)” by Bakar and Afthanorhan and had justified to fit into Chinese culture. After the questionnaires collection, the data were analyzed in descriptive, discriminant and difference analyses, correlation and logistic regression by the statistical software package SPSS 18. The conclusions were as follows:
1. Pluralistic families were more influential in children's use of smart phones on weekdays, while consensus families were more influential in the use of smart phones on children's holidays. And these two types of families have better protection for children from excessive use of smart phones.
2. The time of parental companionship was proportional to the parent-child interaction and their conversation, but it did not affect the length of time the child used the smart phone.
3. As for parents who agreed with the current media grading system, their children would spend less time using smart phones on weekdays.
4. About the current domestic media grading system, parents who "partially agree" were more likely to have children spending less time on smart phones on holidays, than parents who have "no opinion."
5. Consensus family parents were more consistent in understanding, attitudes and behaviors in terms of the security of the Internet for children.
Unlike traditional media such as TV, which can be watched and discussed about by the family members in the "public area" at home, smart phones tend to be more personal. So future researchers, who apply the family communication patterns theory, should consider the issue of "personalization" in the study of the use of smart phones by children. |