過去,極少以陂塘的城市功能重塑為核心,進行陂塘發展策略與評估準則的探討。本研究提出一個陂塘發展策略的評估模型,提供政府相關單位與管理者,在進行陂塘各項管理策略與評估指標的優先制定機制;研究係以兩個以上不同研究方法針對陂塘再利用過程分析探討,先採用模糊德爾菲方法(Fuzzy Delphi Method,FDM)研擬評估因子,續以其評估因子利用分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process,ANP)決策模式工具,求取各待決方案的優先順序權值,建立評估決策模式,藉此選出最佳陂塘再利用與永續發展發展方向與模式,為本研究之特點。
為印證本研究最終結果之績效,再以折衷排序法(塞爾維亞語VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje,VIKOR)與重要性及表現分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis,IPA)進行方案現況滿意度之評估,並提出未來改善建議。
As a specific manmade landscape, farm ponds were mainly used for agricultural irrigation. Due to the urban development and economic environment change, the function of farm ponds has decreased while the construction of the water conservancy facilities increased. It also resulted in the crisis of the farm ponds vanishing. In recent years, as the global warming and climate change become more intensive, farm ponds accidentally play the important role for palliation. Therefore, the issue to revitalize the farm ponds and make the environment more sustainable, while keeping promoting the economic growth and developing the technology of irrigation has got critical.
In the past, there was very little discussion on development strategies at evaluation guidelines of reshaping city function centering on farm ponds. In this research, Fussy Delphi method was applied to propose evaluation indicators of farm ponds conservation and regeneration projects. Afterwards, the study applied Analytic Network Process method through group discussion to obtain the priority value of each project. Accordingly, we found the optimal pattern of the farm ponds revitalization and the way for sustainable development. Finally, we assessed the satisfaction of the revitalization projects by VIKOR. Further more, Importance-Performance Analysis was applied to evaluate the satisfaction of current regeneration projects.
The result shows that the most important pattern of revitalization is limiting the exploitation to maintain the natural environment integrity of the farm ponds and the pattern should be carried on. Secondly, the top priority of the pattern to be improved is the TDR, which has the potential to be developed after improvement measures provided. This research is expected to be a reference for local government to evaluate the development projects of the farm ponds and set up the revitalization policies in the future.