摘要: | 本論文目的在探討臺灣社會運動中轉型趨勢的特徵。研究發現:臺灣社會運動中的「非暴力」特徵,伴隨著次數的「頻繁性」與抗爭群體的「多樣性」,在同時間的國際比較上也屬特例。
The purpose of this dissertation is to explore unique types of social movements in Taiwan. Comparing with social movements occurred in the world at the same period, the phenomenon of “non-violent movement”, “the frequencies of movement”, and “the diversities of involved groups” in Taiwan are found.
By reviewing theories and literatures of social movement, the research framework of this study is inducted into three hypotheses, which are “environmental factors”, “government governance” and “mass cognition”, to interpret the unique phenomenon occurred in Taiwan.
The data sources of this study include official statistics, materials from media, and in-depth interview with key figures whom involved in Taiwan’s social movement. The data from officials includes the following: 1. nearly 160,000 pieces of protest activities from 1987 to 2017 collected by National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior; 2. the statistics about civil associations from 1987 to 2017 collected by Ministry of the Interior; 3. the statistics about political parties from 1989 to 2017 collected by Ministry of the Interior; 4. the election data from 1989 to 2018, including election of president, vice president, legislators and municipalities, counties, mayors and other political elections collected by Central Election Commission; 5. constitutional interpretations from Justices of Constitutional Court, Judicial Yuan; 6. Assembly and Parade Act and the other related laws, regulations and literatures. The data from private sectors includes reports from media, online commentary articles, and unstructured interview with leaders whom led and engaged in social movements in Taiwan for long time.
Through the analysis of the data above, findings of this dissertation are as follows: the phenomena of the global nonviolent protest movement, the government's rational management policies for social movements, the public's awareness of the effects of non-violent movement, and the rise of awareness of the rights of various social groups are causes of the phenomena of “non-violent movement”, “the frequencies of movement”, and “the diversities of involved groups” in Taiwan’s social movements. And, the most significant element is the effects of non-violent movement recognized by leaders of social movement.
The academic contribution of this dissertation is to provide empirical data of officials and civil sector about the characteristics of Taiwan's social movements. Also, finding the key points of the development of non-violent movements in Taiwan and its humanitarian causes to form the uniqueness of Taiwan’s non-violent movements. This finding is relatively rare in the literatures, including those emerging democratic countries. The developmental experience of Taiwan’s social movements could be a new aspect for enriching non-violent movement theories of social movement. |