本研究的目的在探索台灣道教文化中的身體活動類型和意涵,透過民俗體育中的觀點來分析道教活動中的身體活動及其意義。研究方法採用質性研究中的田野觀察法及深入訪談法的方式進行資料的蒐集及彙整,並將所有資料進行分析。訪談的對象為五位的紅頭法師,透過半結構式的訪談大綱,深入訪談的方式,來了解道教文化中的身體活動類型和意涵。研究結果發現,從5個三階主題中,根據類型與意涵找出2個四階主題,分別為:類型與運動意涵,在類型中包含了:1.科儀特有動作 2.表演性質。在運動意涵中包含:1.運動訓練 2.肢體活動與動作技能 3.體能與熱量消耗。最後形成的整體概念¬¬-道教中的身體活動。本研究發現過去台灣社會對於道教的專業人員及訓練方式並沒有相當多的科學研究,因此,運動專業人員可以從運動生理、心理、及力學的角度來研究。
The purpose of this study was to explore the physical activity type and sport meaning in Taiwanese Taoism. By using qualitative approach, this study adopted field observation and in-depth interview to collect and analyze data. The participants were 5 experts in Taoism practices. The semi-structure interview and field observation explored participants physical activity type and meaning in Taoism. Results produced two categories of physical activity in Taoism-type and sport meaning. In terms of physical type, there are two sub-categories: Taoism-specific movement and entertaining performance. As to sport meaning, it can be categorized into three sub-categories- sports training, physical movement and motor skills, and physical energy consumption. This study concluded that during Taoism, it involves many physical activities, sport scientists can study Taoism through exercise physiology, psychology, and biomechanics perspectives.