摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解全職家庭主婦對家庭的付出與貢獻,及背負的家庭要求與期待,並探討全職家庭主婦在家庭生命週期各個階段之家庭要求與生活滿意度之差異性、相關性及預測力。本研究以立意取樣的方式進行抽樣,選取「已婚有偶且至少有一名小孩,無固定工作收入之全職家庭主婦」為研究對象,並以滾雪球之方式,將問卷發放給符合受試條件之對象。本研究共發放461份問卷,回收456份,回收率達98.92%,扣除填答不完整及不符本研究之研究對象者18份後,合計有效問卷共438份,有效回收率達95.01%。問卷回收完成彙整後,依照研究目的、問題及研究假設進行信效度分析、敘述性統計分析、差異分析、相關分析及迴歸分析。
The purpose of this study was to understand the devotion and contribution of full-time housewives to the family, the family demands, and expectations. In addition, this study explored the differences of family demands and life satisfaction of full-time housewives between stages of the family life cycle. This study also examined the associations among independent variables and their effects on family demands and life satisfaction. In the present study a purposive sampling method was conducted, the samples were selected from full-time housewives who were married, had at least one child with no regular work income. A questionnaire was distributed to the participants by snowball sampling. A total of 461 questionnaires were distributed in this study and 456 copies were returned. The response rate was 98.92%. After eliminating 18 copies of incomplete questionnaires and unqualified subjects, the total number of usable questionnaires was 438 and response rate was 95.01%. The reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics, test of mean differences among groups, correlation analysis, and regression analysis are carried out according to the research purpose, questions, and hypotheses.
The results of this study found that the family demands of full-time housewives differ in educational level, living conditions and fixed monthly economic sources of the family; full-time housewives’ life satisfaction also varies in the fixed monthly economic sources of the family, the proportion of husbands’ help with household tasks, and the family life cycles. Full-time housewives have different family roles, family demands, and responsibilities to be taken during each family life cycle. Thus, it explains why full-time housewives express the same state of mind about family demands in each family life cycle. However, life satisfaction varies in different family life cycles. Full-time housewives’ life satisfaction in the youth stage is significantly lower than in the preschool stage. For stages of fostering children, a teenager is indeed more difficult to control and discipline. Therefore, during the youth stage the effort for a mother to take care of children is greater and level of life satisfaction is apparently lower. Once the youngest child left home, full-time housewives in the empty nest period reduce the burden of raising children. Their economic situation is getting better and have more time to live life for themselves. Therefore, obviously the level of full-time housewives’ life satisfaction increases. The results of the study also found that the higher the family demands of full-time housewives, the lower the life satisfaction. Based on the results, this study provides recommendations to researchers, full-time housewives, and policy decision makers in government for future reference. |