在全球人口老化與少子化的雙重影響下,各國都面臨勞工短缺的勞動力問題,我國於2018 年也正式進入高齡社會,並面臨中高齡勞動力的社會議題。而2015 年聯合國永續發展目標8.「促進包容且永續的經濟增長達到全面且有生產力的就業,讓每一個人都有一份好工作」,更將是一大挑戰。
Under the dual impact of the global population ageing and declining fertility rate,countries are experiencing shortages of labor in the workforce. In Taiwan, middle-aged workforces have also become a social issue as the country has officially entered the stage of “aged society” since 2018. This makes meeting the Sustainable Development Goal 8. “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” , set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 a great challenge.
With that, the research of this thesis is “The Research on Corporate Social Responsibility in Taiwan – Taking Middle-aged people Re-employment as An Example. The research begins with a literature review, followed by an analysis of information from corporate social responsibility reports of the “top 100 companies” in Taiwan, as well as a reference to overseas case studies and, finally, leveraging the outcome of a series of in-depth, semi-structured interviews with four corporates. The result of this study shows a thoroughly examination of opportunities arising from an emerging number of experienced middle-aged workers and outlines strategic recommendations about the future of work for governments, corporates, and organizations.