摘要: | 手搖杯茶飲的市場是發展自1990年代開始的,隨著茶品的種類多樣,調配出來的茶飲更是花樣繁多,隨著消費者的飲食型態習慣改變,心感愉悅是喝手搖杯茶飲的心境,也讓手搖杯茶飲成為臺灣人日常生活中人手一杯的代表性飲品。
一、 印尼籍移工對手搖杯茶飲的知識、態度與行為意圖皆為「非常滿意」、「滿意」及「普通」之範圍,顯示手搖杯茶飲在臺受歡迎之程度。
二、 「知識」對「態度」有正向影響。「態度」對「行為意圖」有正向影響。
三、 探討「人口統計變數」對「知識」、「態度」、「行為意圖」的差異。最後,本研究結果可對在臺手搖杯茶飲業者之參考依據並提出後續研究建議。
The beverage market for hand-shaken teas has been developed since the 1990s. Due to the variety of teas, the tea drinks products are more varied. As consumers' drinking habit change, the joyful mood of enjoying shaking cups of tea also makes handshake cups of tea a representative drink for Taiwanese people in their daily lives.
The beverage market in Taiwan has gradually expanded to foreign countries in recent years, and the government has also proposed a “new southward policy plan” in 2016. This policy is mainly intended to promote the micro-entrepreneurship market of hand-shaken teashops in Southeast Asia to promote Taiwan's tea culture.
This study uses Indonesian labor consumers as an example to explore knowledge of take-out hand-shaken cups of tea in Taiwan, attitude of take-out hand-shaken cups of tea in Taiwan, and iIntended behaviors of take-out hand-shaken cups of tea in Taiwan. Through the research survey, the questionnaire was randomly sampled to the Indonesian labor consumers working in Taiwan as the target group, and the demographic variables were used as independent variables to explore the difference and the correlation between them.
In this study, 450 questionnaires were sent out and 350 valid questionnaires were collected. The data were analyzed by narrative statistical analysis, independent sample t-test, single-factor analytic analysis, reliability analysis, multivariate analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, etc. The results are as follows:
1. The knowledge, attitude and behavioral intentions of Indonesian labor consumers about take-out hand-shaken cups of tea are expressed within "very satisfied", "satisfied" and "ordinary", indicating the popularity of hand-shaken cup of tea in Taiwan.
2. "Knowledge" has a positive impact on "Attitude". "Attitude" has a positive impact on "Behavioral intentions".
3. By exploring the differences between "demographic variables" and "knowledge", "attitude" and "behavioral intentions". Hopefully, the results of this study can be used as a reference for the hand-shaken cup of tea drinkers and suggest follow-up studies. |