近年來,在網路快速的發展下,帶來了許多不同的改變,尤其是廣告模式的改變,而網路廣告的類型又分為許多種,包含橫幅廣告、彈出式廣告及關鍵字廣告等。網路廣告可以放置在各式網路平台中,而這些平台可分為許多不同的類型,例如娛樂、社交等,而 YouTube 是近年來受社會大眾喜愛的娛樂型網路平台之一。本研究根據消費者平時觀看網路影音平台 YouTube 的習慣,欲探討從影片內容造成喚起的程度高低到重疊廣告的出現,以視覺注意力為主軸,從注意力去探討字幕及語言和喚起的程度對消費者廣告避免行為之影響,以檢驗重疊廣告在 YouTube 上的投放效果。本研究執行實驗設計,操弄影片的喚起程度、字幕的有無以及影片語言,並透過膚電儀及眼動儀進行實驗。實驗共募集 97名受試者有效參與實驗,研究結果發現影片為母語無字幕時,高喚起相對於低喚起情境更會延遲關閉重疊廣告;影片為中語有字幕時,高喚起更會延遲關閉重疊廣告; 影片為非母語有字幕時,高喚起及低喚起皆會快速關閉重疊廣告。
Lately, rapid developments on the Internet have brought about numerous transformations, particularly in advertising. Online advertising is divided into many subcategories including banner ads, pop-up ads and keyword advertising. Online advertising can be placed on various online platforms that can be categorized into different genres such as entertainment and social network, etc. YouTube is one of the most popular online entertainment platforms in recent years, hence this study examines the level of arousal caused by the videos based on the consumers' viewing habits on YouTube until the appearance of banner ads. Focusing on the theme of visual attention, the aim is to explore the influence of the level of arousal of sub-titles and language on the consumers' aversion to advertising, thereby examining the effectiveness of the timing of banner ads on YouTube. The study carried out an experimental design to manipulate the level of arousal of the video, with or without sub-titles and language. Furthermore, a GSR and eye tracking has been employed in the experiment featuring 97 valid subjects, and the research results indicate that the video is shown in its native language without subtitles, high arousal conditions delay the closing of banner ads more so than low arousal conditions; for Chinese video with subtitles, high arousal conditions delay the closing of banner ads; for the video in the non-native language with sub-titles, the viewers quickly close the banner ads whether or not they are in high or low arousal conditions.