金融科技的興起讓銀行業對網路直播行銷平台產生了興趣,再加上消費者越趨依賴藉由網路上所蒐集得到的口碑來做為消費決策的依據,使得銀行也希望藉由網路口碑來影響消費者的偏好好。本研究採用 SPSS 18.0 作為資料分析的工具,並採用結構方程式(SEM)來檢驗模型中觀察變數及潛在變數之間因果關係。探討銀行業社會交換、網路直播、網路口碑對企業信譽之間的影響關係係;並釐清「社會交換」在「網路直播」對「企業信譽」與「網路口碑」對「企業信譽」之間,是否扮演干擾效果的角色。
The rise of financial technology has made banks interested in webcast platforms, and consumers are increasingly relying on the word-of-mouth collected on the Internet as a basis for consumer decision-making. Therefore, the bank hope to influence consumer preferences through electronic word-of-mouth. In this research, SPSS 18.0 program was used as a data analysis, and SEM program was also used to test the causal relationship between observed variables and potential variables in the model. The research investigates the impact of "social exchange theory," "webcast" and "electronic word-of mouth" of the bank on "corporate reputation." Meanwhile, the study clarifies whether "social exchange theory" affects "webcast" and "electronic word-of-mouth" on "corporate reputation" interference effect. This study showed that social exchange has a positive impact on webcast, electronic word-of-mouth, and corporate reputation; webcast has a positive impact on electronic word-of-mouth. Social exchange has an interference effect on the webcast, electronic word-of-mouth and corporate reputation. It will help the bank effectively utilize webcast and electronic word-of-mouth to enhance corporate reputation.
Furthermore, the study discusses the perspective of using social exchange to achieve the benefits of enhancing corporate reputation with consumer interaction and achieve the goal of precision marketing. Simultaneously, it further allows consumers to understand the efforts of the bank in maintaining corporate reputation and social responsibility.