摘要: | 臺灣於2018年正式邁入高齡社會。高齡者因生理功能老化而導致進食能力下降與營養不良,因此可以預見銀髮族飲食及照護的需求會大幅增加。蛋白質是老年人攝取不足的營養素之一,臺灣紅藜(Chenopodium formosanum Koidz),亦稱djulis,其蛋白質含量約14%,是少數含有8種必需胺基酸的假穀物。本研究擬以臺灣在地的農作物-紅藜為原料,透過前處理改善紅藜之粗糙質地,開發製成紅藜粥,以TPA (Texture Profile Analysis)質地分析方法測定食物質地,並應用國際吞嚥障礙飲食標準指引(International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative, IDDSI)進行食品分級,使其適合於不同咀嚼吞嚥困難程度的老年人食用,進而減少可能的營養不良狀況。
本研究將水煮的紅藜與白米粥凍乾後磨粉,進行化學成分分析,後以不同添加比例之紅藜粉(0%, 10%, 20%, 30%)與白粥粉搭配不同復水比例(1:6至1:15)復水還原成粥品,分析其質地物性,並參照日本介護食協會UDF (Universal Design Food) 與日本「嚥下食金字塔」的規範進行食品分級,同時也進行色澤分析。
根據研究結果,紅藜的粗蛋白質、粗灰分與膳食纖維皆較白米豐富,故為極佳的膳食補充來源。從IDDSI流量測試結果顯示,粥品之復水比例1:14至1:15為0至1級,1:6至1:8的為4級(不流動)。隨著穀粉比例增加,液體殘留量(mL)增加,樣品分布在較高的級別;而紅藜粉取代白粥粉的比例越高,樣品越稀薄且分布在較低的級別。從TPA質地分析結果中可以發現,粥品的濃稠度、粘度指數、密實度及粘聚力隨著白粥粉比例的增加而上升,對照組白粥以1:6復水比製作的粥品,其濃稠度、粘度指數、密實度及粘聚力最高;而隨著紅藜粉的比例增加,其濃稠度、粘度指數、密實度及粘聚力逐漸下降。本實驗經凍乾磨粉後復水之紅藜粥硬度在1×10³ N/m²以下,於UDF規格分級中屬第四級(無需咀嚼),符合銀髮族質地需求,可提供銀髮族充分之蛋白質,維持身體機能,預防肌少症的發生。在色澤方面,白粥亮度較紅藜粥高,紅藜色澤偏紅,其甜菜紅素可以為單調的白粥增添顏色。
In 2018, Taiwan officially entered the aged society. The elderly may suffer from decreased eating ability and malnutrition due to aging, so it is foreseeable that the demand for senior diet and care will increase significantly. Many seniors do not get enough protein. The protein content of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz) is about 14% and contains 8 essential amino acids. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop porridge products with Taiwan's local crop, djulis that meet the needs of the seniors to improve their diet quality. The texture of djulis porridge were determined by Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) and developed by referring the specification of International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI), making it suitable for elderly who have difficulty in chewing and swallowing, thereby reducing possible malnutrition.
Boiled djulis and rice porridge were freeze-dried and grounded for chemical composition analysis. Different additions of djulis flour (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%) and rice porridge flour were then prepared with different rehydration treatment (1:6~1:15). The texture of porridges was analyzed and evaluated by the specification of Japan Universal Design Food (UDF) and food texture pyramid. Color analysis was also performed.
The results showed that the crude protein, crude ash and dietary fiber of djulis are richer than that in rice porridge, therefore it is an excellent source of dietary supplement. The IDDSI flow test results showed that the porridges with rehydration of 1:14~1:15 belong to IDDSI level 0 to 1, while rehydration treatment 1:6~1:8 belong to IDDSI level 4 (no flow). As the proportion of flour increases, the porridge residual (mL) increases and the sample is distributed at a higher IDDSI level. The higher the addition of djulis flour, the thinner the sample is and the lower the IDDSI level. From the results of TPA, it can be seen that the consistency, viscosity index, firmness and cohesiveness of porridge increase with the increase of the proportion of rice porridge flour. Rice porridge with rehydration 1:6 has the highest consistency, viscosity index, firmness and cohesiveness. As the addition of djulis flour increases, its consistency, viscosity index, firmness and cohesiveness gradually decrease. The hardness of these porridge products were lower than 1×10³ N/m² and therefore belongs to level 4 in the specification of UDF, which implies the porridge does not need to be masticated. The result suggests that djulis porridges with its suitable texture and sufficient protein content is beneficial for the seniors to avoid sarcopenia and maintain the bodies function in healthy condition. In terms of color analysis, the brightness of rice porridge is higher than that of djulis porridge, and the color of djulis is reddish. The betacyanin content adds color to the rice porridge.
To study the relation between them, we compared the results of IDDSI and TPA. The results showed that IDDSI recognized the rice porridges with extremely thick in terms of texture, but they cannot distinguish the hardness level of the products. However, the IDDSI flow test could be used as a method to predict the consistency and viscosity of the porridge.
In conclusion, the texture level can be used as specifications and standards for food development. By adjusting the ratio of djulis flour and rice porridge flour, one can improve swallowing quality and nutrition ingestion. There is still a relevant relationship between these TPA and IDDSI method. Both methods showed that the addition of djulis flour can affect the texture of porridge. The increase in the proportion of rice porridge flour has a thickening effect. Djulis can be used as a nutritional supplement, but it needs to be paired with rice flour to achieve suitable thickness and palatability. |