本研究透過延伸型整合科技接受模型(Unified Theory of Aceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT2)做為基礎進行延伸,並在考量消費者市場後,加入享樂主義動機、習慣和價格與價值作為基本架構,藉以探討對於消費者在自動駕駛汽車的接受態度及購買意願。研究樣本包括傳統汽車使用者以及對汽車有購買意願之群體,共提出十二項假說。利用驗證性因素分析、收斂效度及區別效度,驗證各構面的相關性,然後透過結構方程模式驗證假設成立與否,探討以下兩點:其一,利用UTAUT2模型在自動駕駛汽車這項新科技上對於接受態度及購買意願的影響;其二:探討除了UTAUT2外的「政府政策與支持」、「認知風險」及「自我效能」等各項變數對接受態度及購買意願的影響。研究發現,「習慣」、「認知風險」、「個人創新」、「享樂主義動機」以及「預期績效」在全體的影響是最明顯的,尤其是「享樂主義動機」,這個因素除了不分性別都有很高的影響性之外,不管有車族或者沒有車的人也具有相當的影響;「個人創新」對於男性以及沒有車的群體來說,是個選擇的考量因素,女性和有車族相對的影響較低;「習慣」這個因素只有在女性群體是相對沒有太大影響;沒有車的族群選擇這項新科技會納入考慮的原因多過於有車的群體。以上研究結論可提供消費者自我檢視消費策略,也可讓業者針對消費者的需求特性,依不同的目標族群來訂定品牌策略。
Discussing the following two points, the first, using UTAUT2 model in self-driving cars, the new technology, to see the impact of Acceptance Attitude, Purchase Intention. The second, to explore the "Government Policy and Support", " Perceived Risk" and "Self-Efficacy" in addition to UTAUT2. The influence of item variables on the willing-ness to use and the behavior of use. The research have found that “Habit”, “Perceived Risk”, “Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology”, “Hedonic Motivation”, and “Performance Expectancy” are impactful in the sample, especially “Hedonic Mo-tivation”. This factor is impactful in both gender; additionally, it still has high influence on no matter one possess a car or not. “Personal Innovativeness in Information Tech-nology” is a think from male and the one who does not have a car; otherwise, it is not so significant to female and people who possess a car. “Habit” is the only factor which has low influence on female group relatively. The one who do not possess a car will take this new technology into consideration more than those who possess. The conclusion can provide consumers with self-examination of consumption strategies, and also enable the industry to set brand strategies according to different target groups according to the characteristics of consumers' needs.