摘要: | 台灣藜(Chenopodium formosanum Koidz) 亦稱為djulis,是台灣特有原生種植物,因含有甜菜色素,使其外殼有紅、橘、黃等不同色澤。台灣藜富含鉀、鈣、鐵、鋅等礦物質;含離胺酸、甲硫胺酸、蘇胺酸等多種人體所需之必需胺基酸;膳食纖維含量高達17.2%,且具多酚化合物(芸香苷、綠原酸、兒茶素等)、甜菜鹼、γ-胺基丁酸等多種機能性成分,並被認為屬於無麩質之糧食作物。根據動物實驗研究指出,台灣藜有降血脂、改善酒精誘導肝損傷、四氯化碳誘導肝損傷的潛力。
因台灣藜與其外殼皆含有豐富營養價值,本研究以無水煮或水煮前處理帶殼台灣藜,分別製成生藜粉(R)與熟藜粉(C),進行一般成分分析、機能性成分分析,而後以10%、20%、30% 之比例取代麵粉進行水合性質分析,並製作成馬芬(muffin) ,以麵粉(藜粉0%)為控制組。各組馬芬成品以物性測定、色澤分析及儲藏時間因素進行比較。研究結果發現,相較於生藜粉,熟藜粉水分含量較低,粗脂肪含量較多、粗灰分含量減少,粗蛋白含量與總酚含量則無顯著差異;在25°C環境下,熟藜粉的吸水指標和膨潤力較生藜粉高,而溶解度低於生藜粉,而當測試溫度為85°C,生/熟藜粉之水合性質無顯著差異;熟藜粉含有麵粉缺乏的離胺酸,蛋白質含量較麵粉高,且含有豐富的甜菜色素,若以20%熟藜粉取代麵粉做成馬芬,可提升營養價值,其硬度較高、帶有暗紅色色澤,應於兩日之內食用完畢,以避免彈性明顯下降。
Djulis ( Chenopodium formosanum Koidz) is endemic species plant in Taiwan. Because it contains betalains, its shell has different colors such as red, orange, and yellow, and is rich in potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals. Containing lysine, methionine, threonine and other essential amino acids required by the body. Its dietary fiber content as high as 17.2%. It is composed of polyphenol (rutin, chlorogenic acid, catechins, etc.), betaine, polysaccharides, γ-aminobutyric acid and other functional ingredients, and is considered to be Gluten free. According to animal experimental studies, Djulis has the potential to reduce blood fat and improve alcohol-induced liver damage.
Because djulis and its shells are rich in nutritive value, In this study, Djulis with shell was prepared by uncooked or cooked treat to make raw Djulis flour (R) and cooked djulis flour (C). Then use this flours to analyze general component and functional components, The hydration properties were analyzed by replacing flour with 10%, 20%, and 30% raw djulis flour (R) / cooked djulis flour. Use djulis-wheat mixed flour muffin to made made muffin. Use wheat flour (0% djulis flour) to made made muffin.as the control group. The finished products of each group were compared by texture analysis, color analysis and storage time factors. The results showed that compared with raw djulis flour, cooked djulis flour moisture was lower, the crude fat content was higher, the crude ash content was decreased, and there was no significant difference between crude protein content and total phenolic content. Under the environment of 25 °C, the water absorption index and swelling power of cooked djulis flour is higher than raw djulis flour, and the solubility is lower than raw djulis flour. When the test temperature is 85 °C, there is no significant difference in hydration properties of raw djulis and cooked djulis flour. The cooked djulis flour contains lysine which is lacking in wheat flour. Cooked djulis flour also has higher protein content than wheat flour, and is rich in Betalains. If 20% cooked djulis flour is used instead of wheat flour to make muffin, it can enhance the nutritional value. The color of 20% cooked djulis mixed flour muffin is harder, darker and redder then control group, should be consumed within two days to avoid a significant drop in elasticity. |