在全球化影響下, 澳門由於賭權開放, 以及在社會經濟急速發展下, 近年入讀公立職業技術學校(以下簡稱“公職校”)的有特殊教育需要的學生有逐年增加的趨勢, 故教師在這類型的學校工作, 往往消耗相當多的時間在學生輔導、 教室管理、 照顧有個別差異的學生行為問題上。
在這樣的學校環境中, 教師如何在沉重的教學工作中面對專業發展呢? 筆者任職於澳門的公立職業技術學校且從事特殊教育工作教學已多年, 因此對於自身及團隊的教師的專業成長及面對的問題尤為關注。 因此, 在澳門社會背景和脈絡下, 本研究立足於自身的經驗, 探究四位任職公立職業技術學校的教師專業發展面對的困難與挑戰, 以及校本培訓對教師專業發展的影響。 本研究以質性研究及文獻分析的方法, 通過深度訪談, 蒐集四位公職校教師的教學理念、 教學成就感以及對教師專業發展面對困難的看法。
研究結果顯示, 即使公職校有特殊教育需要的學生素質和行為上有著根本的先天差異, 而四位受訪者基於其使命感、 投入感及對教育的理念和堅持, 依然抱持積極的態度去進行教學, 薪金不是決定教師發展動力的最主要因素, 而校本培訓在時間問題上才是教師專業發展的重大障礙。
Under the influence of globalization, due to the opening up of the right to gamble and the rapid development of the social economy, the number of students with special educational needs enrolled in public vocational and technical Schools (hereinafter referred to as "public schools") has increased in recent years, so teachers work in this type of school, often consuming a considerable amount of time in student counselling, classroom management, Take care of students ' behavioral problems with individual differences.
In such a school environment, how can teachers face professional development in heavy teaching work? The author has worked in the public vocational and technical schools in Macao and has been engaged in special education teaching for many years, so he is particularly concerned about the professional growth and problems faced by his own teachers and the team. Therefore, under the social background and context of Macao, this study is based on its own experience, exploring the difficulties and challenges faced by the professional development of four teachers in public vocational and technical schools, as well as the impact of school-based training on the professional development of teachers. By means of qualitative research and literature analysis, this study collected the teaching ideas, teaching achievement and the difficulties of teachers' professional development in four public school teachers through in-depth interviews.
The results show that even if there is a fundamental innate difference in the quality and behavior of students with special educational needs in public schools, four interviewees still have a positive attitude to teaching based on their sense of mission, sense of input and the concept and persistence of education, and salary is not the most important factor that determines the motivation of teachers ' development. School-based training is a major obstacle to teachers ' professional development in the matter of time.