特里夫.馬德森(Trygve Madsen, b. 1940)是一位挪威作曲家和鋼琴家。他出生在挪威腓特烈斯塔(Fredrikstad),一個充滿音樂薰陶中的家庭成長,他的音樂作品在世界各國演出,並且也有越來越多世界各地的音樂家熱衷於推廣馬德森的音樂作品,種類範圍包括歌劇、交響曲、室內樂等,因為他的作品不只被挪威的也被國外的各級音樂教育單位列入教學課綱,他的許多作品也被列為國際大賽的比賽指定曲目。馬德森的音樂到目前為止有許多音樂作品唱片,可以在挪威的音樂屋出版社(Musikk-Husets Forlag)的特里夫.馬德森目錄中找到他的音樂作品錄音列表。馬德森在音樂屋出版社的作曲家中是非常多產的一位作曲家之一,到2019年為止已經有超過一百二十五部作品在音樂屋出版社的目錄上,此低音號奏鳴曲也在此出版社中出版。
Trygve Madsen is a Norwegian composer and pianist. He was born in Fredrikstad, Norway. He grew up in a lovely family that surrounded by music. His compositions are including Opera, Symphony and Chamber music. Because of his variety of music, Trygve’s music works become more popular in the world because his ideas of composition not only are listed in the textbook list of many music institutions, his music works also showing on the list of much global competition’s repertoire. His compositions have many recordings, published by the Norwegian publishers- Musikk-Husets Forlag. Trygve Madsen has his own catalogue in this publisher because this company published over 125 compositions of Trygve Madsen’s works recently. This tuba sonata also is one of the pieces published by this publisher.
This dissertation has four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of the research motivation, the research methods, and the thesis structure. The second chapter is talking about the literature collections of Trygve Madsen’s societal background and his musical styles. The third chapter is the analysis and the interpretation of this tuba sonata. The fourth chapter is the conclusion of this dissertation.