本研究進行工作壓力、自我效能與拖延心理關係之研究;調查樣本為283 位勞動部勞動力發展署總署工作成員,採問卷方式取得資料。自變項為工作壓力,自我效能為依變項、被動拖延心理為中介變項。
A certain level of work stress in the workplace can encourage individuals to work harder and to achieve their goals, working level, and self-equirement. However,excessive work pressure often leads to an individual's anxiety and oppression and increase one's willingness to quit. Under the same pressure of work stress, some give in and some succeed; the reason behind this depends on the individual's attitude and ability to adapt.It is crucial to complete today's task without any delay in this fast-moving world. Yet,tardiness still has a negative impact in the workplace.
This study examines the relationship between work stress, self-efficacy and procrastination. The researcher distributed questionnaires to 283 mployees from the Ministry of Labor are the participants of this study. Their responses are analyzed while work stress is the independent variable, self-efficacy is the dependent variable, and passive procrastination is the mediation variable.
The following are concluded from the analyses.
1. Work stress has a significant negative impact on self-efficacy.
2. Work stress has a significant positive impact on passive procrastination.
3. Passive procrastination has a significant negative impact on self-efficacy.
4 .Passive procrastination psychology and its sub-facial aspects have a mediating