羅傑・奎爾特(Roger Quilter, 1877-1953)是二十世紀初期的英國作曲家,作品以歌曲為主,單以歌曲就建立了不朽的音樂地位。
本研究是以羅傑・奎爾特兩部作品,分別為《致茱莉亞》(To Julia)與《三首莎士比亞詩歌》(Three Shakespeare Songs)為研究作品。兩部作品的歌詞也分別出自不同的詩人,因此,筆者也會分別先從兩位詩人的生平著手,再到創作的時代背景與影響做討論,讓讀者可以了解詩詞意義,然後再帶入作曲家的生平,使讀者更了解作曲家的性格與作曲家的創作理念及如何受影響並討論他如何使用音樂來詮釋。
Roger Quilter(1877-1953) spent the predominance of his life creating artistic English songs and music. This culminated in his irreplaceable status in the musical history and historical zeitgeist of the United Kingdom.
This thesis is mainly explores the two pieces of Roger Quilter “To Julia” and “Three Shakespeare Songs”. The two pieces were written by two different poet, as the result the author will discuss the backgrounds of these two poet first in order to help readers to understand the meaning. And then discussing the biography of Roger Quilter and his personality to have a better understanding of interpretation and style.
The author divides it into six chapters to explore the poet and the history background. In order to discuss the importance of the English art song in the western music history. The author will analyze these two pieces by the writing motivation of Roger Quilter, the writing technique and the interpretation of English art song. Last, the author will discuss the relationship between the rhythm of the poem and the melody. It is my sincere hope that my fellow singers will find this theses a helpful reference in their future preparation in English art songs.