有鑒於目前全面性探討學生建模實務評量之不足,本研究採用「建模能力分析指標」國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, TIMSS)修正版,分析TIMSS 2011四、八年級科學試題以瞭解其中適合檢測建模能力之試題於「建模歷程」與「建模階層」之分布情形,而後再探討臺灣四、八年級學生於此測驗中建模能力之表現。結果發現:一、TIMSS 2011四、八年級試題皆集中於「模型選擇」與「模型分析與應用」兩階段;四年級試題於建模階層分布尚稱平均,八年級則集中於階層二及三。二、在「模型選擇」方面,臺灣四年級學生可掌握至階層二「多因素之選擇」,八年級學生則進展到階層三「簡單關係的選擇」;在「模型分析與應用」方面,四年級和八年級學生皆可掌握至階層三「簡單關係的應用」,但八年級學生可處理較多因素及較為抽象、微觀之變數。研究建議若運用TIMSS試題作為建模實務評量,尚需補充「模型建立」、「效化」及「調度」階段之試題,方能檢測學生各面向的建模能力。設計以建模為基礎之課程時,在「模型選擇」及「模型分析與應用」兩階段可參考本研究之結果發展學習進程。
Due to the scantiness of the whole perspectives of the assessments of modeling practices, this study adopted the Revised Modeling Ability Analytic Index (MAAI-T), to analyze the distribution of stages of modeling process and levels of modeling ability in the appropriate 4th and 8th TIMSS items, then exploring Taiwanese fourth and eighth grade students' performance of modeling ability in this assessment. The results indicate: 1. The fourth and eighth grade items in TIMSS 2011 mainly focus on the stages of "model selection" and "model analysis and application." The items equally distributed in each level of modeling ability in fourth grade, but mainly focus on level 2 and 3 in eighth grade. 2. In the stage of model selection, the fourth grade students in Taiwan could handle multiple factors (level 2); the eighth grade students could expand to operate simple relationships (level 3). In the stage of model analysis and application, both fourth and eighth grade students could handle simple relationships (level 3), but eighth grade students could deal with more multiple factors, abstract and microscope variables. This study suggests that using TIMSS items as modeling practice assessments still requires supplementing the items to model construction, validation and deployment stages in order to explore students' performances in whole modeling process. However, designing the modeling-based curriculum, educators can establish learning progression of modeling ability by referencing to the stages of model selection and model analysis and application in the study.