摘要: | 自古以來孔子事蹟被保留在經、史、子、集、筆記小說等文獻,以及圖像、畫傳和民間口頭之中,但其中有一部分屬於傳說。先秦文獻以《論語》為原典,其次是《左傳》、《國語》等史書,《莊子》、《墨子》、《韓非子》等思想類之子書。兩漢魏晉有《禮記》、《韓詩外傳》、《孔叢子》、《史記》、《漢書》、《論衡》、《琴操》、《孔子家語》、《列子》經史子部等書之載錄;筆記小說則有《搜神記》和《小說》等。唐以後,除了兩部類似孔氏家族族譜之《孔氏祖庭廣記》和地方志性質的《闕里志》之外,記錄孔子傳說最多的是筆記小說,例如:《琱玉集》、《堅瓠集》、《茶香室叢鈔》等等。當然,還有保留在民間口頭中的傳說。這些事蹟與傳說,是歷代以來人們對「至聖先師」孔子的理解。本文以筆記小說為主體,分為五個層面,向上溯源及向下延展,觀察筆記小說中的孔子傳說和其上、下之間的關聯以及本身的特色。
Since ancient times, Confucius's deeds have been preserved in literatures such as scriptures, history, ideological literary works, collected works, and note novels, as well as images, paintings, and folktale, but some of them belong to legends. The pre-Qin literature uses the Confucian Analects as the original text, followed by the history books such as Zuo Zhuan and Guo Yu, and the ideological literary works of thoughts such as Zhuangzi, Mozi and Han Feizi. At the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Han Dynasty, there are also books that records Confucius's deeds. For example, "Book of Rites", "Han Shi Wai Chuan", "Kong Cong Zi", "Records of the Grand Historian", "Han Shu", "Lun Heng", "Qin Cao (the music of a lute)", "Kong Zi Jia Yu", "Lie Zi", etc. And the note- novels include "Sou Shen Ji" and "Fiction". After the Tang Dynasty, in addition to "Kong's Genealogy", and the local history of "Que Lizhi", the most famous stories of Confucius are note novels, such as "Jade Collection" and "Jian Hu Ji", "Tea Fragrance Room's Compilation of literary works", etc. There are also legends that remain in the folks. These deeds and legends are the understanding of Confucius-- "The grand master of education", since the ages. This article takes the note novel as the main body and is divided into five levels, which are traced back to the source and extended downwards. Observe the Confucius legend in note novels and its relationship between the top and bottom and its own characteristics. |