摘要: | 加工麵食技術日新月異,國人對麵條的製備不再侷限於飽足與口感,更多了健康養生、營養補充、日常保健等訴求。從飲食中攝取較完整的營養並具保健效果,已成為國人的重要考量,也同時帶起國內機能性或保健性麵條的需求取向。啤酒酵母粕(surplus yeast)是啤酒釀造中第二大量之釀造副產物,營養價值高並含有許多機能性成分,其機能性成份以異戊烯類黃酮 (prenylflavonoid)及啤酒花苦味酸(hop bitter acid)為主,可抑制細胞內三酸甘油酯生成,並具清除DPPH自由基能力和抑制脂質過氧化能力等生理活性。本研究利用配製的乾燥啤酒酵母粕粉於麵條,並進一步探討啤酒酵母粕對麵條品質及食品感官品評之影響。結果發現,10%添加量的啤酒酵母粕熟麵條有10.48%的蛋白質含量與83.82%的碳水化合物含量且經分析發現含有四種異戊烯類黃酮Isoxanthohumol 1.78 μg/g、8-prenylnaringenin 0.58 μg/g、6- prenylnaringenin 1.35 μg/g和Xanthohumol 1.18 μg/g,與四種啤酒花苦味酸Hulupone 2.49 μg/g、Cohumulone 6.96 μg/g、Humulone 57.58 μg/g、Adhumulone 48.14 μg/g等機能性成分。其機能性成分不受烹煮破壞流失,優於白麵條的機能性麵食。品評與質地剖面分析結果以10%啤酒酵母粕添加量的麵條最受喜愛。以啤酒釀造副產物作為加工麵食的方式,具提升再利用性、機能性等經濟價值,使國人多一種優質麵食的選擇。
In recent years, accidents involving food safety problem come up incessantly, people become cautious to the food that was taken. On the other hand, people also pay more attention on healthy nutrition and diet. Acquiring more comprehensive nutrition and health effects from the diet has become an important consideration to people. In this study, how to make functional noodles that match consumers' tastes is discussed, furthermore, we emphasize on health regimen, nutritional supplements, and daily health. In this study, we try to provide another choice of functional, healthy noodles. Surplus Yeast is a beer brewing byproduct that is mass produced, it is non-seasonal and rich in functional ingredients. Its functional components are mainly prenylflavonoid and hop bitter acid, which has the effect that it may inhibit the formation of intracellular triglyceride and reduce the formation of adipose tissue, scavenging DPPH radical and inhibiting lipid peroxidation Antioxidant and other physiological activity. In this study, we mixed with different proportion of dried surplus yeast into flour, and processing for noodle. Results show that to mix with 10% surplus yeast for making noodle, there are 10.48% of protein in the noodle respectively, lower carbohydrate was found with 83.82% respectively. We also found that there are eight functional ingredients, including four prenylflavonoids (Isoxanthohumol 1.78 μg/g, 8-prenylnaringenin 0.58 μg/g, 6- prenylnaringenin 1.35 μg/g and Xanthohumol 1.18 μg/g) and four hop bitter acids (Hulupone 2.49 μg/g, Cohumulone 6.96 μg/g, Humulone 57.58 μg/g and Adhumulone 48.14 μg/g). Those functional ingredients do not easily be destroyed during cooking, and it is better than white noodles. The results of the sensory evaluation and texture profile analysis suggest that, it is preferable with the addition of 10% surplus yeast, and it is a good choice to use beer brewing by-products as a way of processing noodles. It can enhance the economic value of Surplus Yeast reutilization and improve functionality of the noodle. |