摘要: | 世界各大車廠為了因應更嚴苛的排放污染法規,大多以開發高壓噴射引擎,對於汽車引擎發動機的目前發展主要在高速化、輕量化以及低污染,目前為改善空氣品質,促使安裝有效污染控制系統,加嚴上交通工具的排放標準,因此,本研究是以聚偏二氟乙烯混合不同比例(0wt%、3wt%、6wt%、9wt%、12wt%)的不同粒徑大小矽藻土(D-5000、WB-6A),以靜電紡絲方式將聚偏二氟乙烯加矽藻土溶液製作不織布,探討奈米纖維膜複合不織布其透氣率及壓損之優劣,以FTIR及成膜性檢測,得到以18%聚偏二氟乙烯溶液濃度有最佳性質,在靜電紡絲聚偏二氟乙烯溶液以添加氯化鈉,可以得到纖維成膜性及均勻性高,尤其添加兩種不同規格粒徑大小之矽藻土製作靜電紡絲膜時,兩種不同規格比例皆以18%+6wt%為最佳成膜性。
目前疏水性物質表示大都以接觸角檢測表示,例如:荷葉表面具有極難被水沾溼的表面,水珠在其荷葉表面的接觸角超過 150°,產生水珠滑動的滑動角小於 20°。根據此檢測分析添加相同粒徑尺寸WB-6A硅藻土之疏水角度優於添加硅藻土D-5000不同粒徑尺寸,接觸角角度測試時,兩種硅藻土添加到比例9wt%即可達到97˚的疏水效果,但是兩種穩定效果以D-5000較為穩定,而WB-6A則在添加9wt%到12wt%時。
當偏二氟乙烯混合 0wt%、3wt%、6wt%、9wt%、12wt%不同比例的兩種 (D-5000、WB-6A) 硅藻土製作不織布時,靜電紡絲在此兩種不同材料噴附在纺黏不織布(樹酯棉、聚酯)後,並與複合其他兩塊不同不織布製成三層複合不織布製作汽車空氣濾材,以D-5000中9wt%摻合式疊層紡黏不織布+熔噴不織布+樹酯棉不織布有最佳疏水性、過濾效果及低壓損最優效果,其汽車空氣濾材過濾效果大於70%的效能。
In order to cope with more stringent emission pollution regulations, most of the world's major factories have developed high-pressure injection engines. The current development of automobile engine engines is mainly at high speed, light weight and low pollution. At present, to improve air quality and promote effective pollution control installation. System, tightening the emission standards of vehicles, therefore, this study is to mix different proportions (0wt%, 3wt%, 6wt%, 9wt%, 12wt%) of diatomaceous earth with polyvinylidene fluoride ( D-5000, WB-6A), the non-woven fabric was prepared by electrospinning with polyvinylidene fluoride and diatomaceous earth solution to investigate the air permeability and pressure loss of nanofiber membrane composite non-woven fabric, with FTIR and film forming properties. The detection has the best property of the concentration of 18% polyvinylidene fluoride solution. In the electrospinning polyvinylidene fluoride solution to add sodium chloride, the film forming property and uniformity of the fiber can be obtained, especially two different kinds are added. When the electrospinning film is made of diatomaceous earth of the size and size, the ratio of the two different specifications is 18%+6wt%.
At present, hydrophobic materials are mostly indicated by contact angle detection. For example, the surface of the lotus leaf has a surface that is extremely difficult to be wetted by water. The contact angle of the water droplet on the surface of the lotus leaf exceeds 150°, and the sliding angle of the water droplet sliding is less than 20°. According to this detection and analysis, adding the same particle size dimension WB-6A diatomaceous earth has a hydrophobic angle better than adding diatomaceous earth D-5000 different particle size. When the contact angle is tested, two kinds of diatomaceous earth can be added to the ratio of 9wt%. A hydrophobic effect of 97 ̊ is achieved, but the two stabilizing effects are more stable with D-5000, while WB-6A is added with 9 wt% to 12 wt%.
When two kinds of (D-5000, WB-6A) diatomaceous earth are mixed in a ratio of( 0 wt%, 3 wt%, 6 wt%, 9 wt%, 12 wt% )of vinylidene fluoride, electrospinning is performed on the two different materials. After being sprayed on spunbonded non-woven fabric (resin bond non-woven, polyester), and made into a three-layer composite non-woven fabric with two other non-woven fabrics to make automotive air filter material, the D-5000 9wt% blended laminated spunbonded non-woven fabric + Meltblown non-woven fabric + dendrimer cotton non-woven fabric has the best hydrophobicity, filtration effect and optimal effect of low pressure loss, and its automotive air filter has a filtration effect greater than 70%. |