摘要: | 隨著都市化的增長,生物多樣性的保護已經成為當今一個重要課題。不過,人對不同的動物有著不同的態度,進而影響生態保育工作的推行。本研究目的為了解人類對不同野生動物的觀感與態度。研究挑選出12種在台灣知名度較高的動物,涵蓋哺乳類、鳥類、兩棲類、爬行類、魚類及昆蟲類,從相關文獻中截取出11種不同的野生動物價值,如美學價值、地方價值、生態保育價值等,10種不同的自身態度,如自然態度、道德態度、功利態度等,結合受訪者自身基本資料及對野生動物的經驗組成問卷。在2018年10月至11月間,在全台灣以網路問卷訪查方式,調查台灣民眾的野生動物價值傾向、自身一般態度及野生動物保育態度。共回收1020份有效問卷,結果發現人類對不同野生動物的觀感與態度確實存在差異,大部分受訪者很同意對台灣黑熊、石虎、台灣藍鵲進行保育,比較同意對台灣獼猴、山椒魚、樺斑蝶、貢德氏赤蛙進行保育但存在一些猶豫,對蚯蚓、青蛇、攀蜥、蜜蜂、毛毛蟲的保育持一些保留意見。影響野生動物保育態度的因素包括野生動物價值傾向、自身一般態度及個人特性,受訪者對野生動物價值意象傾向越為正面,自身一般態度越為正向時,對野生動物保育態度更為積極,其中影響最大因子為生態保育價值其次為美學價值。自身一般態度對野生動物價值傾向有顯著差異,持有正向的態度與野生動物正面價值呈正相關,與負面意象呈負相關。比較不同受訪者個人特性間野生動物價值傾向、自身一般態度及野生動物可接受距離之差異,其結果達顯著性水準。本研究結果可為日後野生動物保育工作提供參考,我們在制定與進行生態保育工作時,應對於具有不同人類觀感的動物採取不同的策略,也應準確考量野生動物棲地復育項目與人類居住地的距離。
With the growth of urbanization, the protection of biodiversity has become an important issue. However, people have different attitudes towards different animals, which will affect the implementation of ecological conservation. The purpose of this study was to understand the human perception and attitude with different wild animals. The study selected 12 commonly-known species in Taiwan, covering mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and insects. 11 different wild animal values, such as aesthetic value, local value and ecological value and 10 different general attitudes, such as natural attitude, moral attitude, utilitarian attitude were selected from relevant literature. The questionnaire was composed of wild animal values, general attitudes, respondent's basic information and experience of wildlife. From October to November 2018, A total of 1020 people living in Taiwan were surveyed. Results from analysis show that humans have different perceptions and attitudes towards different wild animals. Most of the respondents agreed to conserving Formosan black bear, Leopard cat and Formosan blue magpie. They also agreed to conserving Taiwan macaque, Formosan salamander, Plain tiger and Gunther's amoy frog with hesitations. They have some reservations about the conservation of crickets, green snakes, japalura, bees and caterpillars. The animals value, general attitudes and personal characteristics affect the attitude of wildlife conservation. Positive animals values or image and general attitude will create positive wild animals conservation. The most important factor is ecological conservation value and aesthetic value. There are significant differences among the animals values in difference general attitudes. Positive general attitude is positively correlated with positive animals value. Negative general attitude is positively correlated with negative animals images. As for animals values, general attitudes and the acceptable distance of wild animals, there are significantly differences among the various backgrounds of respondents. The results of this study can provide reference for future wildlife conservation. When developing ecological conservation, we should adopt different strategies for animals with different human perceptions, and should be careful of the distance of wild animals habitat and human's settlement. |