芬普尼為廣效型的殺蟲劑,常用於環境衛生用藥或是防治寵物跳蚤的動物用藥,偶有發現蛋雞場業者使用於雞舍之預防疾病及維護環境衛生,使雞隻接觸及誤食芬普尼,造成雞蛋遭芬普尼汙染。本研究乃模擬誤食芬普尼之蛋雞經過三週後檢測芬普尼及其代謝物之代謝與殘留。產蛋中蛋雞(海蘭)共分3組,每組9隻,芬普尼以低劑量(1 mg/kg bw)及高劑量(3 mg/kg bw)以管餵方式給予,之後每日收集雞蛋進行蛋品質測定,每週採集血液、肝臟、脂肪與肌肉等組織,觀察各階段芬普尼與其代謝物殘留量之濃度。結果顯示試驗期間之蛋重、蛋殼強度與豪氏單位並無顯著差異。雞蛋、血液、肝臟、脂肪、肌肉等組織,以極致液相層析-三段四極棒串聯式質譜儀(UPLC-MS/MS)分析芬普尼及其代謝物之殘留量,顯示經過14天後,雞蛋及各組織內皆未能被檢出芬普尼及其代謝物。綜言之,本研究揭示當雞隻誤食芬普尼和吸收至組織甚至殘留在雞蛋內,大約經過兩週的時間便能完全代謝,且並不影響雞蛋品質。
Fipronil is a broad-spectrum insecticide that was widely used in environmental sanitation or animal medicine for the prevention and treatment of pet fleas. It is also found misused in laying farm occasionally and would lead to food safety problem. In this study, twenty-seven laying hens (nine per treatment) were given fipronil at zero, 1 mg/kg bw and 3 mg/kg bw via oral gavage. Eggs were collected every day for egg quality analysis. Blood, liver, fat and muscle tissues were collected weekly, then analyzed for concentrations of fipronil and its metabolites by UPLC-MS/MS. All tissue samples (eggs, blood, liver, fat, muscle) were pre-treated with acetonitrile, then performed metabolite analysis by UPLC-MS/MS. Results showed that egg weight, eggshell strength and Haugh unit were not different among treatments. Fipronil and its metabolites were undetectable in all tissues at 14 days after treatments. In conclusion, fipronil, if accidentally consumed by laying hens, can be metabolized and absent from tissues, organs and eggs in two weeks.