摘要: | 色彩與建築同為生活中重要而密不可分的部分,而建築景觀更是兩者綜合體的表現。人們對於建築景觀所直接反應而出之感覺即為建築景觀意象。本研究以所收集的112個建築景觀色彩影像為樣本,進行一系列心理物理學判定實驗。其結果獲得165648次建築景觀意象判定數。同時本實驗亦將建築景觀影像(以下簡稱為樣本)分別在CIE L*a*b*、CIE L*u*v*與YIQ三種色彩空間下以像素分色軟體進行分色處理,最後,亦比較此三種色彩空間對於建築影像之主色導演結果與其差異性。
由實驗結果顯示,樣本色彩意象之美醜與光亮黯淡、本土洋化與美醜有高度的相關性,光亮黯淡與本土洋化亦有良好的相關性。另外,樣本主色:CIE L*a*b*與CIE L*u*v*色彩空間色彩三屬性一致性皆為高度顯著。CIE L*a*b*、YIQ色彩空間或CIE L*u*v*與YIQ色彩空間色彩三屬性中,明度與彩度一致性為中度顯著,色相則皆為顯著性低。再者,樣本色彩意象與主色之色彩屬性關係中,光亮黯淡與基於CIE L*a*b*色彩空間三屬性之明度與彩度皆有良好相關性,色相則為低相關性;本土洋化、美醜與色彩三屬性皆為低相關性。同時,光亮黯淡與CIE L*u*v*色彩空間的預測者之明度與彩度皆有良好相關性,色相則為低相關性;本土洋化與色彩三屬性皆為低相關性;美醜與彩度有中度相關性,明度與色相則為低相關性。最後,光亮黯淡、本土洋化、美醜皆與YIQ色彩空間所預測者之三屬性之彩度有中度相關性,明度與色相則皆為低相關性。
Color and Construction are two important and inseparable parts in general human life. And, the construction landscape even is the integrating presentation of both color and construction. The color imagery of environment is the direct response of the sensation of people to construction landscapes. In this study,112 color-image samples of construction landscapes (abbreviated as specimens) were cumulated, and a series of psychophysical experiments environment to assess color-imagery of environment for those color-image ones. Finally, there totally 165648 experimental assessments were obtained. Meanwhile, those color-image samples were further dealt with a pixel-color separation software under CIE L*a*b*, CIE L*u*v* and YIQ color space respectively. Finally, the main-color results of samples derived under those three color spaces tested individually, and the discrepancy among them were further compared.
The experimental results show that these exists high relativity between the color imageries of specimens L(Light-Dark) and B (Beautiful -Ugly), E (Easternized -Westernized) and B respectively. While a good one between L and E. In addition,as for the main color of every specimen derived based on three color spaces respectively, three color attributes of those main colors based on CIE L*a*b* and CIE L*u*v* color spaces have high significant agreement while lightness and Chroma medium one and hue low one based on CIE L*a*b* and YIQ, CIEL*u*v* and YIQ color spaces respectively, Furthermore, the relativity between color imagery and color attributes of main color of specimens tested, is also discussed that the color imagery L has good relativity to the lightness and chroma attributes of main colors of specimens separately based on CIE L*a*b* color space while low one to the hue attribute. But, both color imageries E and B have low relativity to those three attributes, Meanwhile, three color imageries of specimens tested have the same relativity to the three color attributes of main colors based on CIEL*u*v* as that on CIE L*a*b* with the exception of the color imagery B have medium relativity to the color –attribute chroma. Finally, all the color imageries L, E and B of specimens have medium relativity to the color –attributes chroma of main colors based on YIQ color space while low one to other color–attribute lightness and hue. |