摘要: | 本研究目的在了解臺灣地區家庭成員食品採購安全知識、態度及行為之現況,並且探討三個變項之間的相關性。研究整理並參考相關文獻後,設計一份自編問卷,內容包括個人背景因素、食品採購安全知識、態度與行為量表進行調查,以立意取樣方式發放網路問卷填答。得有效問卷400份,研究結果整理如下:
一、家庭食品採購者的個人背景變項分布情形:受測者以「女性」、「 30-39歲」、居住在「北部」、「已婚或同居」、「大學」、「服務業」、「月總收入3萬未滿4萬元」、「一星期內平均開伙天數3-4天」、採購地點以「傳統市場」、獲得食品安全知識管道以「網路」為較多。
在「食品採購安全知識」問卷共15題,整體答對率是88%;在「食品採購安全態度」問卷共16題以李克特五點量表計分,各題平均得分 4.06分;在「食品採購安全行為」問卷共13題以李克特五點量表計分,各題平均得分 4.10分。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the food purchasing safety knowledge, attitude, and behavior of people in Taiwan. This study was also study the correlations among knowledge, attitude and behavior. The data was collected in family unit by self-designed questionnaire, which including personal background factors, food purchasing safety knowledge, attitude and behavior. In addition, sampling method of this survey is conducted by purposive sampling. In this study, 400 questionnaires had been collected on internet.
The results of the survey were shown as follows:
1. Personal background distribution of family food purchasers. The results showed that the majority of samples came from the main food consumer groups: female population, lives in northern Taiwan, age ranged from 30-39 years old, graduated with bachelor degree, monthly income 30000 to below 40000 NTD, weekly cooking 3-4 days. Additionally, the location for purchasing is traditional market, and the main way they obtained safety knowledge of food purchasing was through the internet.
2. Results survey of knowledge, attitude and behavior. There are totally 15 questions of "Food Safety Knowledge" in this questionnaire. According to the statistics, people took part in the survey had 88% of correct rate in average about knowledge. There are 16 questions in the "Food Safety Attitude" with Likert 5-point scale, which showed 4.06 points by averaging the score of each question. In order to make research on the behavior of consumer during food purchasing, we designed totally 13 question scored by Likert 5-point scale, the result of the survey showed 4.10 points in average.
3. Comparing the survey results in knowledge, attitude, and behavior with different personal background.
(1) Knowledge of food purchasing: Men showed better performance than women. Different education level also showed significant difference. For example, people who had master degree, bachelor degree, junior college degree had higher correct rate compared with people who only got senior high school or vocational high school degree.
(2) Attitude of food purchasing: Women had higher scores in average than men. People with different marriage status, education level also showed significant differences in this survey. In respect of marriage status, widowed people performed better than single people. Concerning to education level, people with senior high school or vocational school got higher score than that of people with bachelor degree and master degree.
(3) Behavior of food purchasing: First of all, gender difference was discovered in this survey. In average, women showed better performance than men. Second, age may also be a crucial element, people in age group 40-49, 50-59 and 60-69 had higher correct rate than those in 20-29 and 30-39. Third, concerning to marriage status, those who married, divorced, separated or widowed got higher score than singled ones. People with senior high school or vocational school, junior college, or graduate school degree got higher score than that of people with bachelor degree. In concerning the amount of weekly home cooking day, the people with 3-4 days cooking were better than 0 days.
This study found that, in terms of total scores, there is no significant positive correlation between knowledge and attitude. Furthermore, there is not significant positive correlation between knowledge and behavior, but there is a significant positive relationship between attitude and behavior. Therefore, the results of this study indicate that the government should assist the public in forming a positive attitude towards food purchasing and establish good purchasing behavior.
Keywords: food safety, purchasing knowledge, purchasing attitude, purchasing behavior |