睡眠問題在大學生是常見的。失眠,噩夢和睡眠質量下降導致一些心理健康問題,以及學習成績低落及不健康生活方式等。身體活動被認爲是改善睡眠的有效非藥物方法。本文資獻檢索「中國知網」,“Web of Science",「華藝線上圖書館」數據庫自2007年至2018年以來中英文發表的標題中含「大學生」、「身體活動」、「睡眠」的檢索詞。體活動對大學生睡眠品質的改善得到廣泛認可,以不同身體活動類型、身體活動量對大學生睡眠品質的影響為研究目的。中等強度和規律運動對大學生睡眠品質提高有促進作用,不同類型的身體活動均不同程度對睡眠品質產生正向影響。所以,鼓勵大學生養成規律身體活動的習慣,不僅保持和提高全人健康水準,亦可改善身心健康與提升睡眠品質。
leep problems are common in college students. Insomnia, nightmares and declining quality of sleep lead to some mental health problems, as well as low academic performance and unhealthy lifestyles. Physical activity is considered an effective non-pharmaceutical method to improve sleep. This article is for the search of "China Knowledge Network", "Web of Science", "Hua Yi Online Library" database published in Chinese and English from 2007 to 2018, including "college students", "physical activities" and "sleep". The physical activity has been widely recognized for the improvement of college students' sleep quality. The effect of different physical activity types and physical activity on the sleep quality of college students is the research purpose. Moderate intensity and regular exercise have a positive effect on the improvement of sleep quality of college students. Different types of physical activities have positive effects on sleep quality. Therefore, encouraging college students to develop the habit of regular physical activity not only maintains and improves the health of the whole person, but also improves physical and mental health and improves sleep quality.