Ever since Chapter 36 “Offenses Against the Computer Security” was included into the Criminal Code of the Republic of China in 2003, in academic studies as well as in practice, there have been many controversies over its interpretation in terms of force and effect, elements of each offense, and its relation to relevant provisions in other chapters (ex. Article 220, Article 339-2, Article 339-3), which were the results of smaller-scale amendments in the past.
There has been an overwhelming number of debates, in the academic world and in practice, over how computer crime is defined in the reasons for adding the Chapter, what legal rights to computer security it aimed to protect, and how some of the articles protect both personal and social interests.
The hypothesis proposed by the researcher was that the legal interests the Chapter aimed to protect directly defines the scope and interpretation of the constituent elements. The crime of obtaining, deleting or altering another’s magnetic record was used as an example in this study. One element of the crime is that the perpetrator “causes injury to the public or others”. However, determination of the legal interests protected by the law often affects the interpretation of what constitutes an injury. This violates the principle of clarity and definiteness of law and makes it difficult to expect citizens to understand and abide by the law as they cannot reasonably anticipate its legal outcome.
This research focused on Article 359 of the Criminal Code, which penalizes the obtaining, deleting or altering of magnetic record. An empirical research was carried out based on literature review and court judgments. By looking at what legal interests were deemed to be protected, issues in applying Article 359 were identified and actual court judgments were used to provide validation and explanation. Final observations and suggestions for amendment to the Chapter were then made to serve as a reference for future application and research.