摘要: | 隨著近年都市化與農村化之界限漸趨模糊,世界各國為友善管理自然資源,達到人與自然的平衡,開始探討如何善用資源結合在地參與力以臻此永續願景。惟隨著地方面臨都市化、工業化、人口不斷外移,自然環境受人類影響之威脅,環境永續實踐必須再自多元角度深化。於2010年十月在名古屋所召開的“生物多樣性公約”第十屆締約方大會(COP10),通過了里山倡議(Satoyama initiative),其目標就為提倡實現人類社會與自然和諧共處,並提出三摺法理念:1.確保多樣化的生態系統服務和價值2.整合傳統知識和現代科技3.謀求新型態的協同經營體系。
平等里位屬台北市邊陲之第二大農耕地區的士林區,2007年坪頂古圳業已登錄為台北市首例之『文化景觀』。本研究擬藉由國內外文獻案例與實地考察、深入訪談,與在地工作坊、焦點討論,運用生態規劃方法經歸納整合,預期研擬出具空間規劃與軟體實踐之里山願景發展藍圖,經由焦點訪談成立『鵝尾里山』小組平台,俾作為平等里未來之地方型社區發展計畫(Local Development Vision Plan)與後續推動行動之核心參考。本研究結果將作為平等里與陽明山國家公園共同推動平等里『里山』實踐之參考。
The boundary of urbanization and ruralization are becoming blurred.Countries around the world have managed their natural resources in a friendly way and have achieved a balance between man and nature.Begun to explore how to make the best use of resources and local participation for vision of sustainable development. However, as local confront urbanization, industrialization, and emigration, the natural environment threat by human, the environmental sustainability must be diversification way. The tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 10), was adopted recognizing the Satoyama Initiative, held in Nagoya, Japan in 2010. The vision of the Satoyama Initiative is to realize societies in harmony with nature,The three-fold approach of the Initiative by: 1. Consolidating wisdom on securing diverse ecosystem services and values.2. Integrating traditional ecological knowledge and modern science.3. Exploring new forms of co-management systems.
Although in the past more than three hundred years, there has been no name for the “Satoyama” initiative, but in various villages with the life style of the Satoyama initiative in Taiwan.In recent years, Taiwan has been more case of Satoyama Initiative, such as Fengbin Village in Hualien city, Gongliao Village in New TaipeiCity.The Satoyama initiative by Taiwan nowadays is mainly concentrated in rural areas and rural village. In the future, more than 70% of Taiwan's population will live in urbanized areas. At that time, the practice of development in Satoyama at the edge of the city is even more urgent.
After urbanization , farm land only accounts for 12% of the city's land use now in Taipei City .And farm land is 7,018.70ha to 3,225.58 ha within 60 years.Ping-Deng Village is the hometown of the researcher. Sense of feedback hometown and urbanization crisis, this study intends to analyze and review the issues and development experiences of urban agricultural land development in Taiwan, study base of Ping-Deng Village in Taipei Shilin District.
Ping-Deng Village is the border town in Taipei City and always in the second largest agricultural area of Shilin Distric. In 2007, the Pingding Ancient Canal was registered as the first “cultural landscape” in Taipei City. This study using inductive by landscape ecology planning methods,for literature, National and International cases study, field trip, in-depth interview, workshops and focused interview. Envisioning Satoyama initative vision for space planning and software practice. Focused interview established the “鵝尾里山” group platform as a core reference for the future development of the Local Development Vision Plan and follow-up actions. The results of this study will serve as a reference for Ping-Deng Village and Yangmingshan National Park the promotion of Ping-Deng Village the envisioning Satoyama. |